Thursday, December 29, 2011

Your Basket

I read the following and it really stuck..."when faith goes to market, it always carries a basket".
Is your faith like that? Do you KNOW that you will have success as God defines success, or do you merely hope? I don't think the disciples hoped for the Way to spread, i think they truly believed and went out each day and worked it, even to the point of gruesome death.

In putting together plans and goals for 2012, are you bringing a basket? How certain is your faith? Don't let it wait or waiver....reach out to someone to talk about it. Being sure of what we hoped for and certain of what we do not see is really that important........

Friday, December 23, 2011

Follow? Right now? But I have laundry to fold......

Happy Christmas Adam!!!

When Jesus said "follow me" throughout the gospels, i wonder if he really meant accept all that I am, rather than just do what i do. Coming to believe in Jesus as God, as the perfect substitute for our sin, as the one who defeated death and reconciled us to God, is the easy part. Not denying Him is tough, just see Peter.

We deny when we don't put Him first. When we go along with society to get along. When we don't do for others. You'll probably be doing your taxes soon, how was your charitable giving......mine too.

Make the decision to follow Him daily. Seek Him. Serve Him. And share Him. Boldly.

And it is today because in Genesis, Adam came before Eve.