Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Jesus gets close

John ch13-17 has Jesus sharing a very intimate moment with his disciples. He speaks plainly and openly with them, equating them as friends. He washes their feet. He prays with and for them. He tells them of his leaving and why it is important. He goes to prepare a place for them. He comforts them with the knowledge that the Holy Spirit will come to guide them. He even prays for us today, who believe what the apostles taught and wrote. In john ch17v20 Jesus notes this because of the disciples' testimony. He chose even us. We need to keep the chain of testimony going...through our words, teachings and actions. We are to become one. We need to love one another. Thinking of others first, as Jesus did.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Get Busy!

: Hopefully all is well from the storm. Jesus creates quite a storm in John ch9. He heals a blind man on the Sabbath. The religious leaders are furious! They question the blind man, and his parents! When the religious leaders question him again, he asks,"do you want to be his disciples too?" Out of the mouths of the innocent. We do try to complicate things in life, trying to "figure them out". We fail to see the simple purity of Christ's message and purpose! He saved us! Jesus makes this point in ch9v41, check it out! Remember, you have been blessed with the truth not to keep it to yourself, rather it is to be used to teach and lead others! Get busy"

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Is it love that drives us?

John 6-8. Jesus' ministry is expanding. He preaches in Samaria, Galilee and Jerusalem. Many disciples, though, find his teachings too rigid and fall away. John ch6v26-27 ask a very pointed question we need to answer today as well. Do we desire Jesus beccause of something we get or have received? Crowds followed because he fed them. Is love, true love born out of what you get? Or is it born of a desire to know another and be with them? Why do we follow? Is it merely for the promise of eternal life? How wonderful might that life be if it is something we do not want? True desire for another....that is what should drive us in our relationship with Him.

Friday, October 26, 2012

He is God!

Welcome to John. Ch1 begins with the declaration of utmost importance. In the beginning (sound familiar?), the Word already existed. He was with God, and he WAS God. John doesn't mince words. He goes straight to the point. How could we accept people saying that Jesus was merely a good teacher or nice guy. Either John is lying, or Jesus IS God. So, armed with this revelation of who Jesus is, what do we do with it? Do we worship? Follow His example? Revere His name? Or are we hesitant to say it outloud in public? Do we shun from proclaiming ourselves "Christian". I know I have in the past. But no more,, Jesus is too important to me to ignore or sidestep. He is God!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Are you being served?

We finish Luke ch22-24 with the familiar story of betrayal, crux, and resurrection. Before this happens in ch22, Jesus is talking with His disciples at the last supper. He pointedly discuss what it means to serve, rather than being served. He demonstrates this by washing the disciples feet. Amazing humility! His point is more than just doing acts of kindness, it is one of attitude. He is demonstrating how to put others first. He is giving us that example to follow. So, how are we putting others first? How do we love others through our attitudes? Acts of kindness are important, but we cannot do them and keep score. True service to others begins with a loving attitude and desire to put others first, regardless of what we "get" in return!

Monday, October 22, 2012

What are you seeking?

We are still in Luke (ch16-18). Some very interesting parables by Jesus in these chpts. Ch16v10-13 talks about being faithful in small matters before large ones. As we grow and mature, we are able to take on bigger roles. God enables to learn responsibility. He is preparing us for something even greater than we can imagine. So the little scraps we chase after here on Earth, will one day be seen for what they are. You cannot serve 2 masters, God and money. Money will never fulfill and will never be enough! God will provide what you need! Ch17v33 is a key one to remember...whoever clings to this life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will save it. What are you living for? The next dollar, or for God?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Life's Instruction Manual

Today, in Luke 3-6, we read of Satan tempting Jesus in the wilderness. Jesus responds to this temptation by quoting scripture, truly a lost art in this day and age. Satan cannot stand against the Word of God. He even tries to use scripture in ch4v10-11 in tempting Jesus. But he has wielded it incorrectly and Jesus refutes him in ch4v12. What do we do today when attacked? I do not quote scripture or even think about it at first. Thankfully I am still growing. God has given us His Word not for a history lesson or fun reading (it can be both), rather it is a manual for life. I know most of us don't like to read manuals, but this one is crucial. Familiarize yourself with the instructions. Lean on them in troubling times. After all, Jesus did!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Time to rejoice!

Today, we begin reading in Luke (ch1-3). It should be a familiar narrative of the conception and birth of John the Baptist and Jesus. John was the prophecized forerunner to Jesus, m.aking the way for the Lord. See ch1v76-79. In ch2, the focus is on Jesus' birth. V25 talks about a man named Simeon, who was filled with the HS, waiting for the Lord. Note his words in v34. The child will be rejected by many and it will be their undoing. But he will be the greatest joy to others. Which side do we really fall on? If Christ is our greatest joy, how often do we tell others? When our team wins in sports, we boast and brag and celebrate. Christ is greater than that, yet we keep it to ourselves. We should be joyful in all we do! That includes the RGIII run! Tell others who Christ is!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Denial and Amazing Love

We finish Mark today chs14-16 with the arrest and cruxifiction of Jesus. The story is the familiar Easter story told in more detail in Luke and John. Mark also tells of Peter's denial in ch 14. In 14:29, Peter swears that "even if everyone else deserts you, I never will". A few hours later, Peter does just that in vv66-72. We can feel sorry for Peter, or we can realize just how often we too deny Jesus. It might not be by our words, but can be by our actions. Do we judge others? Do we seek our comfort and security above others? Guilty as charged! Thankfully, those are some of the very reasons Jesus endured the crux and died for us! Amazing love is all we can say!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Faith and what comes from within

Continuing through Mark (chs4-7), we read of many miracles and teachings of Jesus. He heals many and overrides the power of nature! Two key points to me in these chpts are when Jesus commands the disciples to go across the Sea of Galilee in ch 4. Note he does not command them to get halfway across and drown. Even when a terrible storm comes up, He is not shaken. The disciples are afraid and think they will die. Jesus rebukes the storm and the unbelief of the disciples. Are we different today? Storms happen in our lives and we fear failure rather than believing that Jesus will see us through. The other key is ch7. Jesus talks about food not defiling, rather what you say and do defiles! It is the things from within that make you unacceptable to God. Guard yourself!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Doctor, Doctor!!!

Today we begin the study in the book of Mark. Mark was a disciple of Peter and wrote more to a Roman audience. He focused on miracles and teachings of Jesus rather than giving a history of His life. His purpose is to set forth the credentials of Jesus as the "Son of God". Mark's writing in ch2 focus on the Pharisees and their attempts to trap Jesus. They note how it is wrong to work on the Sabbath. They even criticize for the company Jesus keeps. Jesus responds in ch2v17, "Healthy people do not need a doctor". Do we look down our noses at people? Of course. We might not mean to, but we do. We fail to see others as Jesus did, as created in the image of God. Next time we go to judge a person, look into their eyes and remember they are made in God's image!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Poor Peter, poor us

As we close Matt (chs 26-28), we read the last supper, crucifiction and resurection. Familiar stories we hear each Easter. Matthew's writing quickly goes through these events, whereas Luke and John's Gospels have more focus. In Matt ch 26v69-75, we read of Peter's denial. Just a week had passed since Peter experienced the triumphant entry into Jerusalem. All that week, many miracles and magnificent teachings. Jesus even taught that His time was drawing near. But Peter tried to impact events his way (see ch26v31-35). We often try to do the same. Focus on not just the denial, but Peter's attempt to control events. He was so sure of his loyalty and commitment. We might be similar. Are we really tried in our faith? Even the small amout of pressure can cause us to bend. Poor Peter, poor us.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Time and Gifts

In Matt ch 24-25, the topic becomes end times prophecy. Jesus teaches about things to come and being prepared. He warns about becoming sidetracked (24:4), warns against being a date setter (24:36), and advises to be a good steward of your time and opportunities (24:45-46). The point of these warnings and advice is not to worry believers, but rather to assure them that these events must happen in accordance with God's plan. We should not focus on times and events yet to come. Rather focus on what God has blessed you with now. God has given us quite a bit, similar to the servant with 5 bags in Matt ch 25. We should not be like the servant with 1 bag, afraid to do anything. That is not why God gave us the one bag!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Who do you say I am?

, today's reading in Matthew is filled with great teachings. We can read of how Jesus teaches about children (ch18v714), forgiveness (ch18v23-35), and salvation (ch19v16-26). Each is a major study unto itself. I want to focus on what is perhaps the pivotal teaching in the gospels, ch16v15. Jesus asks his disciples "who do YOU say I am". He asks that question of us DAILY! As CS Lewis stated in Mere Christianity, we can dismiss him as a liar or lunatic, or worship him as Lord. He has left no other options. If/when we choose to worship as Lord, our lives will change. Our perspective on others will deepen in love, and we will lose sight of selfish goals. Jesus notes in ch16v24, "if you want to follow, you must take up your cross". Are you ready and willing? Who is Jesus to you?

Friday, October 5, 2012

When the storms come....

In Matt ch12-15, there are many parables and examples of Jesus' teachings. I want to focus on one today-ch14vv25-36. Jesus' disciples had put out on the Sea of Galilee without him. A storm came up and they were being tossed about. Jesus came to them walking on the water. They were scared. Peter called out for Jesus to call him to come. He stepped out in faith on the water, but was quickly overcome with the situation and the storm, and he began to sink. Jesus immediately reached out and saved him. My point is not to retell the story, but to focus on Peter. He had zest for Jesus. He was willing to risk to follow. But he became distracted. Do we allow our lives to distract us from following? When weather/life is good, we obey...but when storms come, where are we?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

With Authority!

With AUTHORITY, that is how Jesus speaks. Much different from any past prophet or king. Jesus has command over nature (ch8), death (ch9), and His disciples (ch10). There are quite a few miracles performed in chs 8-9 that are more fully unpacked in Luke and John. Ch10 has some real meat as Jesus authorizes his disciples and sends them out. Note in 10:38 his reference to "taking up your cross daily"...incredible prediction of his death. That is a challenge for us each day, to take up our cross and follow him. Never mind what the world will throw at us, Jesus has the authority and power to overcome. Ch10:28 makes this point very clear. Finally in ch11, Jesus verifies John the Baptist as the prophecized front runner to the Messiah (ch11:10) as noted in Malachi 4:5. Jesus is the ONE!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

There is Depth

Matthew condenses much wisdom from Jesus into 24 chpts. Obviously too small to contain so much. His purpose in writing was to inform the Jewish audience that the long awaited Messiah had come, and it was Jesus! In ch5-7 Matthew chronicles Jesus' teachings from our Holy actions (being kind to one another, even those who are unfriendly-ch5v47), to Holy attitudes (tithing/prayer-ch6v4-8), and then to Holy judgment (treat others as you want to be treated-ch7,v2). I struggle to remember where various parables and teachings of Jesus are in the Gospels because there are so many. One could get lost in a single ch or verse. After all, it is the God of the universe teaching. One could never ask for a better owner's manual! Jesus only taught on earth for 3 yrs. There is depth to His few words.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Solution

Welcome to the NT! Over 9 months we have read through the OT, covering 2,000 years of history. All of it oleading to a solution of the problem of our separation from God (sin). Now, on to the reconciliation. Matthew begins his gospel written to a Jewish audience by proving the lineage of Jesus as part of the line of King David, and as such, one of the line of God's chosen. Many times Matthew points out to his audience how prophecy has been fulfilled. The Jewish audience would know the OT, thus be able to piece together who Jesus was....the Messiah. In ch3 we meet John the Baptist. Luke's gospel has more detail, but John is sent as the forerunner. He confronts the religious powers in ch3v8. Prove by the way you live. We should heed that today!