Saturday, March 31, 2012

What in the world?

Today ends 2 Samuel. Ch 21-24 try to fit quite a bit of information in. Honestly, some seems a little far fetched. Like how one individual kills so many men, or how God seeks revenge by sending plagues. But, that is taken by faith. One must dig deeper to understand true meanings to these, not just the surface writing.
Ch 21 discusses an oath make by King Saul that was not kept. Future generations paid the price for not honoring that oath. Ch 23 reviews some of the mighty men of David's reign. Committed to a king, like we are committed to ours? Finally ch 24 going against the will of God. Making amends and setting the stage for the future...anyone say temple?
Some books and writings in the Bible might seem hard to follow. Struggle through them, but don't give up!

Friday, March 30, 2012


2 Samuel 19-20 show David returning to the throne. His troops have been victorious, yet as we see in c19v4, David is weeping for his lost son and rebellion leader Absalom. Finally, Joab confronted David and plainly spoke that the troops need David's acknowledgement. Talk about being brutally honest and accountable! David could have had Joab's head for such direct talk. Instead, he followed Joab's advice. Do we follow the wise counsel of trusted friends? Check out Proverbs 27:6 "wounds from a friend are better than mkany kisses from an enemy".
Are you a friend to someone? Will you be willing to be brutally honest? Will you be open to another's honesty?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

We want it our way!

2 Samuel 15-18 discusses David's son Absalom's quest to rule. He not only betrayed David, he heaped insult upon insult in his rebellion towards his father. David loved Absalom as a father would love his child. He did not want harm to come to him. But, he did not properly discipline his child.
Lax discipline seems nice and easy, but will hurt in the end. Proper guidance and correction are necessary to learn avoidance from future calamity. God allows us to be disciplined to learn to rely on His strength.
When we try to do it "our" way, are we like Absalom in relation to God?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Too much comfort

2 Samuel 11-14 focuses on King David and his tragic downfall. How could a man so blessed by God have such calamity? Spiritual erosion! Comfort! What happens when you reach the top? You stop reaching!
King David had it all. Yet he allowed his passions and desires to weaken his resolve. He did not set up barriers or roadblocks in his life. Because of that, others suffered and died.
What are the barriers in your life? Does your comfort keep you from reaching? What are you reaching for? As the Proverbs say,"seek ye first the kingdom of God". WWJD should really mean something more to us than an overused jewelry fashion stmt. Iron sharpens iron, be careful not to get dull.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Do Unto Others...

As David's kingdom and legend grow, so does his kindness. In 2 Samuel 8-10, we read of the conquests of the nation of Israel over it's enemies, with David at the lead. He makes Israel into a strong fighting force and follows God with a servant's heart. David seeks to honor God in all he does.
David learns that Saul's grandson (Jonathan's son) is still alive. Most kings would fear that this disposed reign would eventually seek revenge and wipe them out. Not David, he not only brought the grandson into the court, he gifted back to him the lands of his grandfather!
Kindness is easy to talk about but rare on the follow-through. Keep Matt 25:40 in mind "when you did it for one of the least of my brothers and sisters, you were doing it for me."....Jesus

Monday, March 26, 2012

Who Am I......

In 2 Samuel 5-7, David is bringing Israel together as one nation. He is truly a servant of God and seeks His guidance over everything he does. We see a sad event in ch 6 where the Israelites are moving the Ark of God to David's capital. Unfortunately, the cart it is on stumbles and one of the cart drivers reaches his hand out to steady it and is struck down by God. How unfair you say. But, were they carrying the ark the proper way? No poles, rather placed on a cart.....someone needed to review Leviticus for proper instructions!
In ch 7 v 18 David receives God's blessings and asks a very important question...."who am I....that you have brought me this far?". A good question that we could ask even today....

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A house divided....

Today, we begin 2 Samuel ch 1-4. Gruesome does not come close to describing the violence in this book. The kingdom has become divided after Saul's death. Some are loyal to Saul's son and some to David. This causes much violence and civil war as people choose sides. Clearly not what God had in mind for His kingdom of priests. Check out Matt ch 12v25 about this issue of division within a kingdom
David's loyalty to God's will is truly amazing. Several times he could have easily set himself up as king and become the focal point of the people. Rather, he honored what God had ordained and revenged those who actively opposed that. Do we stand up for what is right, or allow others to gloss over that with praise to us?

Friday, March 23, 2012

To whom shall we turn when in distress?

As we read the closing chpts of 1 Sam (27-31), we see the end of Saul's kingship. These are very gruesome chapters. David's shrewdness and commitment to God shine through. Saul, on the other hand, goes against even his own decree about spiritual mediums....and ends up dead.
What say you, did the medium bring up Samuel, or was it a demon? See ch 28 v 13-19.
Saul's life held such promise yet ended in disgrace, all because of pride and self-will. He rejected God, and God let it be that way. He did not force Himself on Saul. We all have that choice to make, is it our will or His will? Do not take that decision lightly, just look at Saul.....

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Who's the boss?

Today, we are reading 1 Samuel 24-26. Big lesson is honoring our leaders, even when they are wrong. Easy right?
Saul is still the king, and he is jealous of David and seeking to kill him. Twice in this narrative David has the opportunity to kill Saul. Both times, he chooses not to. He confronts Saul with evidence of just how close he came!
David remainded faithful to God's choice of Saul, even though God was not with Saul any longer. How are we with our bosses and leaders? Do we honor them as God appointed? Romans ch 13 has a few words to say on this subject.
Submit to authorities, they are in that position as God has chosen. As children, we at times don't like or want to do as our parents command, but later on , we learn why they commanded as such.....

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Characters and characteristics....

Over the past weeks, we have ripped through Judges, Ruth, and 1 Samuel. Today, we reflect. Some interesting characters to say the least...FULL of flaws. Amazing how honest scripture is, showing the good and bad. Samson was an imposing figure with great physical strength, but little moral strength. Imagine the victories never achieved because of his compromising stance towards right and wrong. Do we struggle with that as well?
We met Ruth, faithful and devoted. Willing to give up all she knew for those she loved.
Samuel, such a strong man of God. Upset that the nation rejected God and wanted a king. Weak on parenting.
Many characters, each with good and bad qualities. When looking in the mirror, which qualities do we most see?

What is a friend?

Today, in 1 Sam 20-23, we read of the great friendship between David and Jonathan (son of King Saul AND heir to the throne of Israel!). Saul was jealous of David and sought to kill him. Saul feared for his continued reign as he knew the Lord the left him for his disobedience. Jonathan was next in line for the position of King. But God had other plans. David had already been anointed by the prophet Samuel! This is getting good eh?
Jonathan and David were close friends. Jonathan did not want any harm to come to David. Jonathan even realized that he would not be king, that David would! (See ch 23v17-18).
Amazing the friendship between Jonathan and David. What would you be willing to give up for the love of a true friend? Have many TRUE friends? How well do they know you? How well will you let yourself be known?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What is a friend?

Today, in 1 Sam 20-23, we read of the great friendship between David and Jonathan (son of King Saul AND heir to the throne of Israel!). Saul was jealous of David and sought to kill him. Saul feared for his continued reign as he knew the Lord the left him for his disobedience. Jonathan was next in line for the position of King. But God had other plans. David had already been anointed by the prophet Samuel! This is getting good eh?
Jonathan and David were close friends. Jonathan did not want any harm to come to David. Jonathan even realized that he would not be king, that David would! (See ch 23v17-18).
Amazing the friendship between Jonathan and David. What would you be willing to give up for the love of a true friend? Have many TRUE friends? How well do they know you? How well will you let yourself be known?

Monday, March 19, 2012


Today, we are running through 1 Sam 16-19. Familiar story of David and Goliath. David, a mere shepherd boy offers to fight a giant man who is offending and opposed to God's army. Of course, the king Saul should have been the one to fight! A true leader should not neglect their duty!
Before the story of Goliath, we see Samuel going to Bethlehem to anoint one of Jesse's sons. Samuel mistakenly looks at the sons' outward appearance. When David is presented, there is unbelief as he is only a boy. See ch 16 v 7.
Does this seem like a foreshadowing of the coming of another son? Not quite what MEN were expecting!
Following God's call requires patience, obedience and priority. Is God a priority in your life? He was in David's....

Saturday, March 17, 2012

To Obey, or not to obey....

Today in 1Sam 13-15, we see the mighty King Saul and his fall from grace. His impatience, impulsiveness and disobedience cost him dearly. The prrophet Samuel continually rebukes Saul for these actions.
Ch15v22 has a great point, "which is more pleasing to the Lord, burnt offerings or obedience"? Saul wanted things done his way on his timetable.....gee, I can relate.
Ch15v35 has a very haunting line...and the Lord was sorry he had ever made Saul king....thank you Lord Jesus from protecting me from that wrath! I know I will fail similar to Saul!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Aren't we ALL God's children?

In 1Sam9-12, we read about Samuel anointing Saul as king. Samuel has done this reluctantly as he feared that the nation has rejected God for man. (Sound familiar you presidential junkies?).
In an amazing display of forgiveness and grace, Samuel continues to pray for the nation in ch 12 v23. Do we pray for our enemies or those who do us wrong? Does God love them also?
Reconciliation is difficult and pride or "I told you so" attitudes keep us apart. Humbling ourselves and surrendering to God's will is key. Don't delay....

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The end of the Judges, and the beginning of the Nation....

Today, we reach the opening of the last judge of Israel in 1 Samuel 1-3. It is the story of a woman (Hannah) who prayed for a son. God was faithful and fulfilled her request. This son was given back to God in service at the temple.
Interesting prayer in ch2. Hannah is praying to God....sounds a little like the sermon on the mount (Matt ch 5)?
How might you react to the news Eli received from the prophet in ch 2v27-35? Might you at least deliver that message to those who need it? Sounds like we have work to do in that the heart of that message STILL applies.
Get ready, the book of Samuel (1&2) really sets up the nation of Israel as we might recognize in our past Sunday school lessons. This is how it happened.......

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

All in the family

What a difference a day makes!
Yesterday, we were mired in the dark times of Judges, now today, we read the beautiful story of Ruth. The faithfulness of Ruth is pretty amazing. God blessed that faithfulness with marriage to a good man, and a son, who would become a father to future kings (see Ruth 4:18-22).
How important is family? Do we really sense an obligation to help each other out?
Amazingly, Ruth did not abandon her mother-in-law, even though she could offer her little. Ruth was faithful and loved her new family. It was through this faithfulness that God continued to build his people. Ruth was similar to Abraham in that she stayed faithful. By doing so, she was able to make an extraordinary impact on others and find peace and serenity.

Monday, March 12, 2012

A nation set apart....

Today we wrap up Judges (ch 17-21). Careful, it is a wild ride. Verse 25 of ch 21 sums it up best, "In those days Israel had no king,, so the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes". Sad commentary on a nation set apart by God to be a nation of priests!
How does our time differ? These chapters talk about man-made religion, idolatry, violent immorality and violent vengeance. What we face today as a nation is not new. God still has a plan for us though. Jesus Christ is that plan.
The book of Judges might be difficult to swallow as scripture, it appears violent and disturbing. It is hard to believe that a nation God has ordained could stray so far.....or is it?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Almost cut my hair....

Today, in Judges 13-16 we read about the mighty Sampson. He was set apart since birth and given super strength. But he wasted his gift by indulging himself and forgetting the needs of others. Seems that God blesses for His glory so that others will praise Him.
Sampson's life was filled with destruction and anger. He was about revenge to the point it consumed him. His temper only complicated the problem, never corrected it.
How does revenge play in our lives? Are we able to turn the other cheek and forgive? Or do we seek payment for the wrongs committed against us. Good thing that God is slow to anger and forgives, otherwise we'd all be in trouble.

Remember how God has forgiven you for the wrongs we have done against Him the next time you want revenge.....

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Who is in control?

Today in Judges ch9-12, there is quite a bit of activity. Violence is great and the reigns of power shift from leader to leader. Many times the Israelites fall away from God, only to be oppressed by others. God is faithful and upon their repentance, comes back to their rescue!
Trusting in God is key. He is in control. There is no need for unnecessary vows or rash decisions. Jepthath made just such a rash vow in ch 11. The consequences of such an action are very sad indeed.

C10_v6 should be a warning to us today. What are we worshipping today?

Friday, March 9, 2012

God, aren't you going to do something? send someone?

What can the Lord accomplish through you?
Today, in Judges 6-8, we read about just such an occurance in the life and times of Gideon. He was a relunctant soldier for God. See ch6v13-14. How many of us have asked God the same question? "Why don't you do something or send someone!".
Ch 7 talks about how God weeded out the army, so Gideon was facing huge odds. But Gideon served a very BIG God. Remember that when facing your obstacles!
Ch8v22-23 is interesting in that Gideon realized that God, not himself was the true leader of Israel. Besides, in c8v30, sounds like Gideon was pretty busy.

Seriously though, are you ready for service? Will you allow God to use you for His good purpose? Be prepared!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lessons to be learned and handed down

Now we enter a new book and time for God's people. In Judges ch 1-5 we see the results of no legacy. A cycle begins. Israel falls into immorality and idolatry, God allows a powerful neighbor to oppress and enslave them, people cry out in repentance, God raises up a Judge to save them.
As we see in Ch 4v21, this reading is not for the faint of heart. This was a difficult, brutal time in the nation's history. Amazingly though, both the good and bad are recorded. The honesty of God's word is awesome!

Our legacy, is it truthful? Do we show the good and bad for possible lessons to learned? We all have some scars that others could avoid.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Passing the torch...

We have come to the end of yet another book, Joshua. This book began with the void in leadership as Moses has passed from the scene. Yet Moses made sure to prepare his successor. God even comforted Joshua back in ch 1.v5.

Now the torch is passed again. Joshua's successor you ask? Now we will see the importance of legacy. Teaching the next generation is not something to merely be left to the schools. Everyday life is filled with opportunities. And the best part, what God told Joshua in c1v5, is still true today!!

We have the one God, maker of the universe, caring about our lives. Chris Wiles' sermon last week noted part of God's purpose in your life is not is more! Keep Romans 8:37 in mind today, God has made us MORE than conquerers!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Now serving......

As March starts to rev up, Joshua comes to a close.

In Joshua ch 22-24, Joshua calls the leaders together to remind them yet again of all God has done for them. (If God never does another thing for you, has it been enough)? After reviewing the miracles, gifts and blessings God has given to the Israelites, Joshua questions them in ch 24v 15. Whom will they serve? Joshua answers his own question ,"as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord". Talk about being the high priest and leader of the family!

So, who will we choose today? Career, money, things? Service, teaching, involvement? Some sound good, but is it the Lord's will? How do i know you ask?

Prayer, meditation.......

Monday, March 5, 2012

Gifts that keep giving

In Joshua 18-21 we read about the distribution of the remaining land among the tribes. Keep in mind that this land was a gift....cities and towns stood that had not been made or built by the Israelities.

God is like that with us today, blessing us with victory even when we were not part of the fight (see cross, Jesus Christ). Just as we like giving gifts, the Lord's gift doesn't wear out!

The Israelites waited almost 500 years for the gift of the promised land. Did they honor this gift? We'll see in the upcoming we honor our gift from God?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Let them eat cake...

If you have ever cut a cake (with people watching), how difficult can it be to get the pieces equal? Besides, some of the cake gets caught up on the knife and makes a bit of a mess. Usually someone whines about their piece being too big, others want two because theirs is too small. Seems silly doesn't it? After all, the piece of cake is a mere GIFT.

In Joshua 13-17, we see Joshua dividing up the land among the tribes of Israel. Much of the land was not conquered yet, so there was still work to do. Yet God gave them victory even before the first charge.

God has gifted us too. We might not see or understand all of the gifts. In time God will encourage us to use those ready. Don't know your gift? Discuss it with someone.

I'll take an end piece...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Did you follow the instructions completely?

In Joshua 9-12, we read in somewhat ghastly detail of the Israelites conquest of the promised land. City after city was destroyed and the inhabitants including the kings were put to death. Truly not a chapter(s) for the faint of heart.

Notice, though, in ch 9, how the people of Gibeon trick Joshua. They conned him into signing a peace accord. Not God's instructions!!! C914-15 confirms this!

The Lord gives commands and guidance. I can tell you from personal exp, that when I consult and pray to God, things seem to work out better. When i don't.....well, I end up with treaties with those things I'd rather not be part of...

Friday, March 2, 2012

What the Lord commands....

Today, in Joshua 6-8 we read about the Israelites under Joshua's leadership beginning the conquest of the promised land. God is very specific as to how they are to carry out their battle plans. In fact, when they obey, they are victorious! But when they do not, defeat... Seems cruel to us perhaps that God commands complete annihilation of the conquered peoples. God did not want intermingling of foreigners who might influence the nation away from him.

Similarly, we don't allow kids to do whatever they want. They must be taught rules for their own good. The Israelites were a young nation, still learning.

Obedience is crucial in this book, as in our lives today. God still demands obedience. Ever notice how different life can be with God in control, rather than us?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Are you ready??

Welcome to March, finally.....

Today, we start the book of Joshua (ch 1-5). It is a time of transition for the Israelites. No more wandering, it is time to take the land the Lord has promised. For 40 years, this nation was camping around in the wilderness. Now they were poised to conquer.

Joshua is emerging as a great leader, however, as the book opens, the beloved leader, Moses, has died. Surely Joshua and others are heart broken. But reading in ch 1 v 5, God reassures Joshua that He will not fail or abandon him. That promise is still in effect today!

Armed with this comfort, Joshua faithfully begins the campaign across the river to Jericho. Preparations are made, try not to squirm in your seat too much over ch5. Soon, the nation will be ready. This will not be for the faint of heart!

The apostle Paul notes in Romans 8:37, We are MORE THAN conquerers....following God, we see that to be true!