Thursday, July 11, 2013

Passing it on

Talk about your plug for evangelism, Ro ch 10 is all about this. V9 notes that confession with your mouth and belief in your heart are keys to salvation. We sometimes gloss over that. Confession can be easy. Believing in our hearts does not mean we cannot have doubts or struggle to understand things. Rather we know that God has done for us what we cannot do ourselves. It is not our actions that make us right with God. However, that is not a 'get out of jail free' card. Paul discusses this elsewhere that we don't go on sinning to show how much faith we have that God forgives. Be ready for rejection and ridicule when you bring this news to others. Few will accept it.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Who's Driving?

Fairness, that seems to be a sticking point with many regarding following God. They might argue that some are blessed, and some not. It doesn't seem fair. Romans ch9 addresses this issue. A question we should also be asking though is 'what have we earned'. Answer is nothing. All have sinned. Who are we to question God. That makes His mercy and grace all the more awesome. We are not worthy, yet God does bless us. He has given all a chance, we just need believe. We shrink God into man-made rules and vision, not understanding that God knows the full story. It might be like a 2 year old directing the parent on how to drive. Kinda funny eh? Do you think God feels likewise when we have a tantrum from our carseat? Prob not, He is searching for the binkie!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Mountains before us

Do you feel loved today? Do you feel special? You should. Paul gives us reason in Romans ch8. If God is for us, who can ever be against us? He gave His only son for us! I love you all, but a few dollars is all you might get from me. In v35--37, Paul asks whether current unsettling situations should separate us from God. He writes through Christ, we are more than conquerers....what encouagement! We serve a BIG God, so whatever life throws at us, He can handle. The mountain in front of you is a speed bump in the rear view mirror. Yet we look at the mountain and that is all we can see. God made the mountain, He knows the paths to get us over. But we need to seek Him. He will not force Himself on us, that is what love is. Seek Him...he knows the way!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Struggling with Sin

Struggling....gee, who could relate. In reading Romans ch7, it appears Paul could. He notes that the Law of God revealed his sin. He notes in v14-25 the struggles he has with that sin, in knowing what is right to do, but then not doing it. And vice versa. Like me, i know starting my day off with a devotion strengthens me. Yet it has been over a week since this happened. Hope you have been consistent. Life should not interupt the connection with the maker of that life. Reading and knowing God's Word will show us the errors in our ways. The stories are for our growth and understanding, since we do the same things. King Solomon was right, there is nothing new under the sun. But daily devotions need to be my way of welcoming that sun. Do what we know is right to do!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Confidence vs Doubt

Confidence, how is yours? The opposite is doubt, which Satan loves to use on us. Paul writes on this in Ro ch5. V2, because of our faith....we confidently look forward to sharing God's glory. There is not doubt. We are sure. Doubts weaken us. Doubts strip away our ability to lead others. Doubt stops us. Paul continues noting that we will run into problems. These are for our benefit to strengthen us. Yet even in our weakness, even when we doubt and stumble, God loved us enough to send His son as the solution. Ch5v8 is a real keeper. Most of us will not give up our meager possessions, let alone our sons! Armed with this info, can we not confidently stride into today knowing we are safe. No matter what happens, God has our back. Don't doubt, we were not made for it!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Its the Relationship Thingy

It's a relationship thing! Paul clearly states this in Ro ch4v13. It is not by our works. Truth is, relationships do need work and attention. How close are you to someone you never talk to, see or think about? It is the same with God. If we don't seek Him, read His Word, pray, and meditate, we are not growing in our relationship with Him. The mmost amazing thing is that the God, creator of the universe, wants to be in a relationship with us! Some of my neighbors don't even want that and they are on my street! Relationships start with desire. Desire to get to know someone. It grows through time, consistency, and experience. Our faith and belief in God is what makes us righteous (v24). Seek Him, don't let Him be a 2nd string QB, He is more than a clipboard holder!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Obedience is not without Passion

Deep theology, simplified. Paul writes in Acts ch3, like he is explaining faith vs. Works to an audience today. Amazing how things really don't change! He begins with focusing on God and His righteousness. This is the answer to why God allows bad things to happen to good people (see also 3:23). He then proceeds into how we are all in sin together. Next, he writes about how Christ took care of what we could not. Finally, he notes that faith is what matters, but through true faith, you will obey. You might say we become domesticated in God's house...we obey, but that doesn't mean our spirit is broken or we don't have passion. We should be like the dog, wagging our tail joyfully when the master is near...and He always is! Ch3 is great ammo to use when attacked by nonbelievers. Woof

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mirror Mirror....

Romans ch2 could be subtitled "the Mirror chapter". Paul writes on how we are quick to judge others, yet we have the same sin. We have to be aware of sin, and realize we all have it. The slippery slope is when we compare our sin with others and determine that we "aren't so bad". We have to be careful not to judge others. It is the heart that matters, what we seek, rather Who we seek. Our lives are definitely riddled with coloring outside the lines. It is by God's grace that we are afforded an opportunity to even turn from sin. See v4. Keep in mind, this life is not for a grade, we cannot earn or work towards a passing grade. But if we truly seek and desire God, He promises us eternity with Him. That is the goal. Be careful about judging others, we haven't been givven that task

Monday, June 10, 2013

Road to Salvation begins

Welcome to Summer '13! We begin in Romans. Written by the Apostle Paul,, this is great theology. His purpose is to show how God made us right in His sight, everyone. Kinda levels the playing field. Rome was filled with Pagans and those who worshipped idols and other gods. Like DC today? It was the seat of earthly power. Key verses in ch1 are v1-Paul introduces himself as a slave...the lowest possible relation, showing his humility, v16-17 Paul writes boldly of his purpose for the letter, and v20, we have no excuse for not seeking God. This is so appropriate today in our culture. We have lost our way and need these reminders. Are we slaves to Christ? Does He rule our lives? I deserve hanging for desertion! Come along in is a powerful road!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Road Ahead

In Acts ch20 we see the importance of evangelism in Paul's life. V24, Paul is determined to finish the work that the Lord has put before him. Paul had done much already and had endured many hardships, pain and suffering. But he realized that he was not done. When are we finished? Like Paul, never. Don't get discouraged by this. There will be ebbs and flows of your ministry. Each of us has a ministry! Like one in recovery, we need to take one day, one moment at a time, not focusing on the tremendous and long task ahead. Paul was not alone in his work. Throughout Acts, he is accompanied by other believers who help him, hold him accountable and press forward with him. We need do likewise. We might not be Pauls, but we can be the support team. Now, onto the next task!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pray and wait

In Acts ch12, Peter is arrested. The believers meet together and pray for his release. Angels came and did just that. Peter flees back to where the believers are. He knoccks at the door, and a young servant girl comes to answer. In her excitement to tell the others, she does not open the door. The others do not believe her story that Peter is knocking at the door, EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE PRAYING TO GOD FOR THIS VERY THING!!! How often do we pray to God, then either not believe that He can do it, or we decide He needs our help. We rush in to assist, and miss God's timing and purpose. Why do we pray? At times it seems more like asking permission rather than truly turning it over to God. We are in such a hurry. Why? Ours is truly the half hour sitcom life. Pray and wait!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Introducing God's Servant

Who can God use for His purpose? Anyone. In Acts ch 9, we see God using Saul, a noted terrorizor of Christians. God supernaturally called Saul. That might not happen everyday. God's ways are not our ways. Yet we can come to understand what God has revealed to us in His Word and by the Holy aSpirit. In Saul's case, God used an ordinary man and believer named Ananias. Are we willing to let God use us? Ananias feared for his life when called to approach Saul. Notice that God did not punish him for his hesitation, rather He encouraged Ananias. God encourages us as well. Are you being led? Are you listening for God? How can we if our lives are so jammed packed and busy. Margin in life is important not only for sanity and good health, it is important to hear God's leading.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How much you ask?

You can't buy the Holy Spirit. In Acts ch8v18-20, Simon attempts to offer money to Peter so that he could bless people with the HS. Peter rebukes him noting that serving God is not what we "get" out of it, but how we glorify Him. That is easier to forget than you think. We can be jealous of others who seem to "get it" while we struggle. We might even see others getting away with activities that are not good. Not to worry, God sees all. He knows our hearts and our motives. Simon was not asking to help further the kingdom, he was seeking fame and possibly another revenue stream. How do we use the gifts God has given us? For what we get out of them, or how we can glorify Him?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Introducing Paul!

Introducing, Paul. In Acts ch 7 at the end, we see the religious leaders stoning Stephen, an elder in the early church. Saul's intro to us is so hauntingly evil, it causes one to step back. The Jews are stoning Stephen and suddenly there is Saul, at who's feet the Jews put their coats. Normal practice in a good stoning is to remove one's coat! It is like something out of a movie. I can see the camera pulling back from the scene and there he is, evilly watching over the entire event, saying nothing but giving approval. Pride, arrogance, and egotism on full display. This is Saul! Wait, this is the same guys who will win hearts over to Christ? Talk about a change. See, our obstacles to growth in Christ are not new. As we read on, we'll see our story of change in SAUL - PAUL.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Being Bold

Howdy! In Acts Ch5, we read about Peter's bold stand against the Pharisee council. See in v28-30. The Pharisees threaten with death, but Peter stands determined. What would cause a person such change? Remember Peter once denied even knowing Jesus 3 times at Jesus' arrest. The Holy Spirit gave Peter confidence of the truth. Such confidence that he could not help but tell others. To see if Peter's truth was on target, read a little ahead in v38. A Pharisee named Gamliel tells them that if Peter's influence is from man it will soon die off. But if from God, you cannot stop it. 2,000 years later,, can we answer that? We might nto shout from rooftops about Jesus, but we should not keep Jesus only to bold!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Enemy Territory

In Acts ch 3, Peter and John heal a lame man. Inside the temple they go, where Peter seizes upon the oppotunity to evangelize in the name of Jesus. What is our opportunity, and do we take it? Or do we thing we won't know the right words. The Holy Spirit will lead us. Peter and John were entering enemy territory, yet they could not help but talk out. We all have enemy terr, it is in how we handle it as to how hostile it becomes. Be bold entering your enemy territory, you are not alone!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Come Holy Spirit

May the fourth be with you! Luke starts the book of Acts with the promise from Jesus of the Holy Spirit. He tells the disciples that this helper will guide and lead them, and help them remember all of Jesus' words and deeds. In ch2, the HS comes upon the believers in mighty fashion. If you haven't had the same experience, fear not. God uses events and people differently. He parted the Red Sea in Exodus, but stopped the Jordan River from flowing in Joshua. Similar result, different approach. It is the same with the HS working in your life. As we seek God and His will, the HS become more active in us and helps us. Events in the Bible are written as testimony and examples that we might believe. Scripture may be complete, but God's work in men is not.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Daily work

Epilogue, skipping ahead to John ch21, we see the disciples getting with life after Jesus' death and ressurection. Peter decides to go fishing, and other follow. But life is not the same. Once you have encountered Jesus and the HS, nothing is the same. Your life has different purpose. You go from living for yourself to living for God. Ch 21 shows Jesus restoring Peter. He restores us each day as we seek Him. Jesus instructs Peter to take care of His sheep. Baa. Who are our sheep today? Are we leading them? Following Jesus is not a one time prayer and then boom, everything is cheery. It is a life long pursuit of God. Seeking Him constantly, serving Him faithfully and sharing Him boldly. We have work to do. On to Acts!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What is Truth

What is truth? Pilate asked this question of Jesus in John ch18. Is truth relative? The modern world will say it is. Truth, they say, depends on how you view it and from where you stand. Jesus declared to Pilate that He came into the world to testify to the truth. Our faith is based on this. One true God. Jesus, true son of God. Bible, true word of God. Nice to know, but what does it matter since very few are listening. Talk to someone today about Jesus and you might get the "that is nice for you" response. There was true fear about Jesus by the Pharisees. Surely, over history there has been leaders of movements that threaten the establishment. Was this different? Yes, it spoke to the truth, and not just a relative one. Speak it with confidence today!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Focus and denial

We read in John ch 18 of Jesus' arrest and Peter's denial. What prompted Peter to deny? It certainly wasn't being unsure of who Jesus was, or was it? Fear prompted Peter to deny he knew Jesus. He was afraid of being arrested as well. He didn't know Jesus' fate and wanted to save his own neck. But he forgot who Jesus was and is. Jesus is the one with the power and auuthority. Even today, I deny out of fear. I don't share with other who Jesus is and what He has done for me. Others need to hear, so they too can make a decision. Time is running short, we should not delay. Peter focused on temporary situations, forgetting that Jesus is eternal. Let us not fall into that same trap. Jesus has commanded us to love one another and make disciples. Will fear hold us back?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Be not of this world

Do worldly events of late upset you or make you mad? We see and hear of evil happening all around, and think it has won. Take heart, Jesus said this would happen. He also told his followers that they are not part of this world. True we must live here, but our hope is not here. The world hates us because it hates Jesus. There are pockets of believers, but not nearly as outspoken as we should be. In John ch15 v18-27, Jesus talks about the world's hatred of believers. We must be careful not to get too caught up in things that will happen. Of course we can lead and influence our part of the world, but hope in it is lost until Jesus comes again to declare his kingdom. Sounds depressing eh? But wait, the Holy Spirit is with us to guide us and lead us home. Listen for Him!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pruning Time?

Is it time for spring pruning? Does you yard have trees or bushes that have not popped out with fresh leaves? How about your life? Overcommitted? Do we have enough margin in our lives that we don't choke out important moments with God and family? Jesus talks about being the vine in John ch15. Branches that do not produce fruit are cut off. Even the fruit producing branches are prunned back some to produce even more. Prunning is painful at times. We might be letting others down, but we cannot serve with troubled or angry hearts. We all have things we have to do make some things those you want to do as well. Start with God, time with Him should not be the left over fill in time. Make it your priority. Stay close to Jesus, he'll be carrying you through the rough times!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Who is your Audience?

Applause, we all love it. Some of us crave it. We look to others for aapproval, encouragement and praise. And we feel bad when we disappoint. In John ch12v37-50, Jesus discusses unbelief of the people. Several Pharisees believed Jesus, but were afraid of being expelled from the synagoge. Peer pressure you might say. V43 states it plainly, "For they loved human praise more than the praise of God". Human praise might be audible and timely, but which matters? The Holy Spirit living inside us will lift us when we do God's will and convict us when we don't. So who is our audience. Do we pretend there are areas that God doesn't see? Do we act one way around certain people and another with others? We are on stage for others to see. And God Himself is our audience!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Watching Shepherd

The Good Shepherd narrative in John ch10 is rich with details about Jesus. In fact, He clearly states his purpose and foreshadows His death. V10 details His purpose. V18 notes His future death. It amazes me that many don't know who Jesus was, and try to paint him as just a good man and moral teacher. Scripture is clear! Nowadays, shepherding is not part of our culture as it was 2,000 years ago. The ideas are the same, gathering, protecting and caring. Teachers are more like shepherds today, and students are like sheep (Amen?). Even today, Jesus is shepherding us, protecting us. Don't feel it or believe it? How'd you get where you are in life? Many don't make it to this point. Good to have THE shepherd watching out for us!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Facing Truth

Being faced with the truth is not an easy swallow. In John ch9, Jesus heals a man born blind. It is an interesting conversation to read for sure. But notice the man's words in v30-33. He is throwing the truth of God at the most learned men of the time. He is a simple blind beggar. His take on God not listening to sinners, rather only to those who worship Him gives credibility to Jesus. Not that Jesus needs that. Go deeper and notice the Blind see and believe, but the ones not blind reject. Can we see today? God will listen because of our faith in Jesus. But are we asking in worship of God, or worship of self. The blind man didn't ask to see, but God knew what he needed. We should be asking God to help us see too! He has wonderful things in store for those who ask.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Clean Slate

Today is opening day for my kids' baseball league. We start anew. It is very exciting, anticipating the fresh season. Jesus offers us a fresh start as well. In John ch8, a woman is caught in adultry (where is the man, it usually takes 2). The Pharisees are demanding a stoning as punishment and take their weak case to Jesus. He simply write in the dirt, then agrees with the law. He notes for the one without sin to cast the first stone. Could any of us be that one, probably not. They sulk away knowing Jesus is right. Then, Jesus turns to the woman and restores her, by forgiving her. He doesn't judge. He is not surprised or upset at her sin. He does the same for us. A clean slate. We have not invented a new sin that Jesus cannot cover. Use the clean slate wisely.

Friday, April 12, 2013

What say you?

So what say you? John ch7 is thick with discussion of who Jesus is. Is he the Messiah? Many cannot seem to agree that he could be since they think he is from Galilee. Others want to believe, but the Jewish leaders argue it down. This scene might have occurred 2,000 years ago, but the question still lingers today. Who is Jesus to you? If you say Lord, do you actions point that way? If not Lord,, then where lies your hope? What do we look for in our Lord? Someone to take away all fears, troubles, etc? The first century Jews did. But Jesus' message notes much pain and trouble. He even promises hardship. He is preparing us for eternity with God. Even the guards in v46 note "we have never heard anyone speak like this". Perhaps we need listen also.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Belief is commitment

Since it is tax time, it is time to "tax" our brains with some deep theology. In John ch6v22-70, Jesus is teaching on his purpose. He is not the physical messiah king that Israel was expecting. God had deeper, better and longer lasting plans. But we seek temporal things. We want nourishment for today, which we need. But we neglect eternity. Perhaps it is too big to understand. Christianity can be summed up in v29. Jesus tells the crowd is that the only work necessary is to believe in Him. That is where it goes deeper. Belief is not just knowledge. It must control you. Your activities should hinge on this belief. Like a chair, when you believe it will hold your weight, you sit down. You are commited then. That is why us big guys don't like antiques! Be committed!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A lot from a little

In John ch6v15, Jesus takes a small boy's offering of 5 loaves and 2 fish and makes enough to feed over 5,000 people. God can surely take a little and make a lot. We marvel oer this miracle, but doesn't God do similarly in our lives? God will provide our needs. Did Jesus even need the fish and loaves? He did miracles for our sake. What little are we offering to God today? Are we allowing God to use small things in our lives? Or do we have them covered and don't need God's help? Notice in v14-15 that people were looking at the temporary rather than eternal. Does scripture record that as a warning to us as well? What and who do we want to make king? And, can we fit in that seat?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Are others thirsty too?

Good Sunday all! In John, ch4, the story of the Samaritan woman at the well is told. Reading this, I caught how certain people (Samaritans) were not to be even associated with. Why? Between the Jews and Samaritans, there were generations of hostility and mistrust. But do we act this way today? Are the "Samaritans" in our life we avoid? I do struggle to see people as Jesus did, His children. I judge, usually way wrong. I see the cover, not the inside. Jesus sees us differently. The disciples were shocked that Jesus would even talk with this woman. What makes us better? Our car? Our house? Our checkbook? Jesus is offering eternal life to all, not just the "cool kids". Who can we serve today?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

For God So Loved!

In the endzone. Today, we read in John ch3, the story of Nicodemus visiting with Jesus. He is a pharisee, and comes to Jesus under cover of night. Jesus proceeds to teach this knowledged man about God using earthly terms, but Nic doesn't follow. This famous discourse includes the passage of Jn 3:16, which is perhaps the most quoted verse in the Bible. God loves, so He gave. None of our efforts or sacrifice would ever be enough. We can not do it! But God can, and has done it! One sacrifice sufficient. One act of resurrection to defeat death. Judgement covered for those who believe. We see Nic come at night to talk to Jesus, yet, at Jesus' death, Nic asks for the body to bury. He has come out of hiding as well. Not to jdge, but to save. Unfathomable.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Even the wine?

In Jn ch2, Jesus and his disciples and mother are attending a wedding ceremony in Cana. This is a small village in Gallilee, hardly worth mentioning. In fact the miracle John notes here is not healing someone, or rising them from the dead. It is helping with more wine for celebration. With all Jesus was going to do, why note this miracle? Perhaps because God cares even about mundane things. True there is power over nature demonstrated here. Jesus is concerned about our happiness and well being, within the limits of God's law. As we will read, His mission was not to perform miracles, but He gladly did these out of love and compassion. He did not have to, but did!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Welcome Jesus?

Today, we will begin the Book of John. Notice the powerful intro, John gets straight to the point. Jesus is not just a good man, or teacher, He is the living Word of God. It was through Him all things came into being. Yet some pass him off as just a good man. John introduces us to John the Baptist. A voice shouting in the wilderness, clearing the way for the Lord! What voice drew you to seek Jesus? Surely you did not just sit down and read the Bible. God has messengers. Jesus has called us to be messengers. How is your delivery? Jesus calls His first disciples in ch1. Do they follow out of curiosity? Do we? Others have pointed out that Jesus is special. Do we loe Him ourselves and is our relationship between us and Him? Or is it one handed down from another. Let John intoduce us to the king!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good, what is good?

Good Friday. Only God is good, said Jesus to the rich young ruler. What is good about today? Our payment has been made. We owe nothing now. Can we accept this grace? It is difficult for me to even accept a gift from a friend. (But you are welcome to let me try). The miracle of God is that He paid our debt for us. Many have trouble with that because they don't realize they owe a debt. That is a true hurdle we must cross. The events of that day 2,000 years ago are quite brutal and disturbing. If Pilate found nothing wrong with Jesus, why did he have him flogged. Why did the crowd yelling crucify him leave in sorrow afterwards (Lk23:48). Even the Roman commander had a change of heart. Do we? Do we really? Or is this just another day for us.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Confession or Denial

Confession, it does a body good. Part of our confession ought to be to God, the one we offend with our sin. Jesus gave Judas that chance at the last supper. If you read in Matt ch26v25, we read Judas asking directly, and Jesus answering directly. Yet, Judas did not repent. Do we repent? We might be sorry for our actions. We might even apologize or confess, but then do them again. Judas was in denial, he did not think he was betraying Jesus. He was arranging a meeting. His grief over his actions caused him to go hang himself. He waited too long to repent. Jesus is giving us opportunity today to repent of our sins. He invites us to come to Him, nail our sins to His cross and be free. Not free to do them again, but free from God's righteous judgement. Thank you Jesus!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Reconciliation, the torn curtain

Question, why don't we sacrifice animals today? Answer, because the curtain was torn down the middle. Why don't we need a special temple for God to reside on earth, because the curtain was torn. And why don't we need a prophet to tell us what God's will is? Because the curtain. When Jesus died, He finished the reconciliation process between God and man. Sadly, many don't desire that reconciliation. Luke ch23 discusses the trial, crucifixion and death of Jesus. All things He willingly did. Why? Love. He loved us so much, that He was willing to be the payment we would not make. Because of this sacrifice, we can approach God directly. Let that sink in. We have personal access and relationship to the creator God! It is truly a time to rejoice!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Avoiding temptation

With the passion week upon us, it is fitting that we are rounding out Luke. In ch 22v39-46, Jesus and his close disciples are in Getsemane. Jesus instructs them to pray that you will not give in to temptation. Curious command. What temptation? Fear? Anger? Jesus knows what is about to happen. He knows they will scatter. Yet, his prayer is for them not to give in. Was this prayer answered? Eventually, or else we would not be reading Luke today. Jesus was tempted with Satan's lies, and prospered. Eve & Adam were tempted and failed. What is Jesus praying for them here? Fear causes one to think of themself first. Self protection. I think Jesus was warning us about the trials ahead, that persecution will come. We must not be tempted to run away in denial. He didn't.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Jesus points to opportunity

Jesus sees an opportunity in Luke 21v13. He is discussing end times with his disciples. There will be times of persecution and tragedy, but the oppty is to proclaim Jesus. People will be open to discussing that topic. Are we in end times now? Does it matter? We have oppty daily to discuss Jesus, do we take it? Easter is upon us, what better time is there? TV's highest rated show is The Bible. People want to talk about this. Show courage for the Holy Spirit will guide your conversation. Also, be ready to communicate about Jesus, when necessary, use words.

Friday, March 22, 2013

What Could Have Been

Today, we'll begin the passion week (a little early), and I'm not talking NCAA tourney(though there is passion in it too). Luke ch 19v41-44 notes Jesus approaching Jerusalem on the colt. He sees the city and weeps, for he knows what the future holds. The 2nd part of v44 is particcularly haunting in that he weeps because the people did not accept the opportunity for salvation. They had been warned. We have too. What about many who have heard and have decided to make the decision later? We think we have plenty of time. Judgement day is way off in the future, I can decide then. Jesus is warning us who follow, not to wait. Don't bypass the oppty. We should not let the phrase "what could have been" be part of our story, or those we love. Jesus weeps, it means that much.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Of Gifts and Talents....

What gifts has God blessed you with? And, are you usi ng them for His good purpose? In Luke ch 19v11-27, Jesus tells the parable of the servants. To one, he gives an amount which the servant invested and grew 10 times. Another grows it 5 times. A third does nothing because he is lazy and afraid. This third one is rebuked. The king exclaims you didn't even do the bare minimum of putting it i n the bank to earn interest. God has gifted us all with talents and gifts. We might not know exactly what they are, but through effort, we can discover them. Shame on us if we choose to do nothing. Or wait for our gift/talent to be "revealed". The king rewards the faithful servants with more. Cast aside your fears and be willing to serve your king. Your efforts will not return void.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hope on the horizon

Luke ch 15v11-24 tell the familiar parable of the prodigal son. I have read this several times in the past, always from the son's point of view. Notice though, the father. He sees his son while the son is still a way off in the distance. How amazing is that? The father must have been regularly faithful to watch for the son's return. Not only did he anticipate seeing his son again, he eagerly sought him by scanning the horizon. Oh to be that faithful! It seems that the father never gave up hope. Further notice that the father welcomed the son back, not with lectures or punishment, but with love. Others will disappoint us in life, but our faithful love for them and prayers can make a difference. Keep scanning your horizons and don't give up hope!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Attention needed

There is quite a message in the parable of the barren fig tree in Luke ch13v6. There is a fig tree that has not produced fruit for 3 yrs. The owner wants to cut it down but the gardener wants to give it one more year. He promises special attention, so the owner relents. Who are we in that parable? Do we have fruit in our lives, or have we become barren? For friends who do not hae fruit, are we giving them special attention? Do we pray regularly for them? It is difficult, for it takes our time. But that could be the true fruit producer. Do we give up on others too quickly? What if one more season of attention and prayer were what was needed? I am committed to praying for each of you. Not that you are without fruit, but I love and care for you. That is why I write to you!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Are you the one?

"Are you the Messiah, or should we keep looking", Jesus is asked in Luke ch7v19. He is talking with John the baptist's disciples, but we could be asking. We read of the miracles and learn about his teachings, but do we commit our lives to Him, or just a portion? We play it safe, only allowing parts of us to be given to God. Safety, security, comfort. Jesus is ready for us to follow Him. Not part time. That doesn't mean we quit our lives and become preachers. No, I believe we become preachers where God has us. In our families, in our work environs, in our neighborhood. Following Jesus must be more than a few hours on Sunday. It has been said to pray always, when necessary, use words. Is God merely a passing thought occassionally? Or do you seek him constantly? Jesus is the one

Monday, March 11, 2013

Trust and Focus

In what do you trust? We might find security in our homes, our savings or our items of comfort. But they don't last. In Luke ch6, we read Jesus' sermon on the beatitudes in v20-26. It is not evil to have money or comforts, but to value them above God is. Jesus preaches about life eternal, not just the 60 or so years here. He encourages us not to just focus on now. This cheap parlor trick of life will fade. He wants our focus on eternity with Him. Momentary glory is fleeting. People will rush to the next "it" thing or person, leaving the previous one wrung out. Just watch pop culture. When they are done, that one is a shell of their former self. So, where is your trust? Hope spirngs eternal, let our focus do likewise!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Did you "Spring Forward" yet? In Luke ch5, we read of Jesus callinf his first disciples. We read a similar account in Matt. Peter, Andrew, John and James are fishermen who've had an unsuccessful outing. Jesus implores them to go out again. When they do, their nets almost break with the tremendous haul. Peter realizes who Jesus is and realizes his own fallenness in v8. Yet, upon landing, the four leave everything and follow Jesus. I am still amazed at their commitment. I try to follow Jesus daily and fail epicly. How could these guys (Peter had a family) just up and quit their work? There is taxes to pay, food to get, housing, etc... Jesus doesn't ask all of us to up and leave. Rather He mostly orders followers to be where they are. We can still follow, in our world of influe

Friday, March 8, 2013

Fix Us!

Fix us! That is often the gist of our prayers. We fail to understand our true needs. In Luke ch4,v38-41, Jesus is in Capernaum and he heals a few. Suddenly, people swarm to him for his healing power. Many are physically cured. You can ask them about that miracle except, they are dead now. But, if they truly sought Jesus spiritually, they might be alive with Him in the afterlife. We pray for healing today, Aunt Tizzy's bakc, Uncle Kip's hip, etc... Are we missing Jesus' purpose? I suppose that with a word Jesus could have knocked out disease and death with one punch. Actually, it took three words....It is finished. As you read along, try to focus on Jesus' true mission. Many were healed, but are now dead. And many believed, and are now alive.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Acceptance or Rejection

It is not coincidence that Jesus reads from Isa ch 61 in Luke ch4. He is reading to his hometown crowd. What he reads is the promise of delivery by the Messiah. Freedom from oppression, that is what Jesus is saying, not from Rome. Rome is temporary. Our earthly kingdoms and countries are temporary. Jesus has long term implications. The people of Nazareth reject him because they see the boy growing, not the man with the mission. It is like that with those who have known us the longest. Those are probably the ones we've hurt the most. Hard to get a blank canvas suddenly. Takes time and consistent behavior. Judging others is easy, judging correctly is hard. It is interesting to me how the village of Nazareth rejected their prophet. Am I any different in that I reject at times too.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jesus is presented

In Luke ch2, 8 days after his birth, Jesus is presented in the temple. Ironic that God Himself is being presented to God. However, it was by design that Jesus go through all things that humans do. At the temple, Mary & Joseph encounter Simeon who gives a prophecy of Jesus' future. It is not rosy or comforting from a parent perspective. In fact, the future he predicts is full of falling and angst. This must have been somewhat unsettling, as everyone wants the best for their children, but M&J know Jesus is different and has a mission though they don't yet understand it. Simeon hits the nail on the head in ch2v34-35. He notes the joy Jesus will bring, as well as the pain. The honesty of scripture is quite amazing. How has Jesus impacted you? How is your heart?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Brought to you by....

A glorious entrance! Hardly the way one might describe the birth of the King in Luke ch2. Jesus is born unto us in an animal trough. There is no earthly fanfare, attending nurses or warm soft blankies. But God's ways are not our ways. There is fanfare, from the heavenly realm. There are gifts and people, shepherds, do come to behold. Imagine Joseph and Mary, what must they have been thinking. Joseph was truly righteous, taking pregnant Mary to be his wife. Follow a decree for the census. He is obedient, and perhaps that is why we can read about him today. God humbled himself to be one of us. Let that sink in. The potter became the clay. No other idol or god-like diety in our lives can boast that. Think your tv knows how you feel? Just turn it off and look at it. Kinda empty. Don't let the Christmas story in Luke be something to think about only in December. Rejoice each day that He has come to us!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

We need a sign

Miracles happen everyday, yet we need proof. Not new. In Luke ch1, we read about Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. When the angel Gabriel met him in the sanctuary and told him of his impending fatherhood, Ol Zech didn't believe him. So Gabriel silenced him. We focus on logic and human understanding. We don't allow room for faith. Spock was more like us than we care to acknowledge. God has done wonderful things, yet we struggle to believe He can and will help us. How can God change our heart? Zech was old, too olod for kids, right? Nope. Lazarus died right? Nope. Blind men stay blind right? Nope. God can do miracles. It sometimes takes faith to understand them. No such thing as coincidence. God has a plan. Find your part!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Trust your Dr.

Trust your doctor. Mostly today, we do. After all, they have been through much training and usually know more than we do. Luke, the writer of the gospel of Luke and Acts, was a doctor/physician. In ch1, he starts out with his purpose for writing, to write an account about the events that have been fulfilled. So much is going on in that one sentence. First, Luke has carefully examined things. Second, he wants to write an account to his friend to witness events, and third, these events happened, have been fulfilled. That last one leads you to understand that the events were foretold and have now come true. What an intro eh? Luke is saying, trust me, I've carefully researched this, and it is better than the cure for cancer. Don't you want friends like Luke? Let's see what the dr. has to say over the coming weeks..

Friday, February 22, 2013

God Has a Plan

In Mark ch14, we read of the Last Supper and then the arrest of Jesus. If we read this closely, many questions can come to mind. The story is familiar as we hear it each Easter. Why was Jesus arrested at night? Why was Judas' betrayal even necessary? Why didn't the Jews simply kidnap Jesus or kill him immediately? God had a plan. We can be angry with the jews or the Romans, but God's plan was to bring good out of our understanding of bad. We mourn loss. We get mad when things seem unfair. We might even be able to alter the future some, but God still has a plan. Would we seek God if Jesus had overthrown the Jews & Romans? If the story were different, could sin have been defeated? We don't knwo, but God does. Have faith, He has a plan.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Battling Blindness Alone....

Will God do for us what we cannot do for ourselves? Yes! And no. Yes, he can and does and has. No, there are times we must seek Him first. In Mark ch10v46-52, Jesus encounters blind Bartimaeus. Jesus does not instantly heal him, rather Jesus asks the man what he wants. Bartimaeus had to seek first. Jesus wants to heal us from Spiritual blindness. We need to ask first though! Whatever we struggle with, God assures us we need not struggle alone. He will help. The blind do see, and realize it is not about them, instead it is about God and the glory of His kingdom. Let God open your eyes today.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Through a child's eyes

Do you still have child-like wonder? Like how big is the sky? How do bridges stand? What makes engines work. Children are hungry for answers. Do we hunger for the kingdom of God? Jesus talks about this in Mark ch10v13-16. Parents are bringing their kids to see Jesus and have Him bless them. The disciples think that they are bothering Jesus, so they try to shoo them away. But Jesus becomes angry with them and rebukes them. He says the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like children. So, are we eager for knowledge, or do we think we know everything. Innocence, seeking, and curiosity should strive a hunger for God in us. Our society has focused kids today on becoming little adults. We have lost child-like wonder. So, how does the VCR clock work?

Monday, February 18, 2013

What is your cross?

What is your cross? Jesus notes in Mark ch8v34-38 of the cost of following Him. One must turn from their selfish ways. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. Coming from a recovery background, I can appreciate the simple truth to this. If I had continued in my prevvious ways, I'd be worse for the wear or perhaps dead. But Christ has saved me and changed me. It did not happen overnight. Took years of success and failure. My cross of self-centered behavior kept me from the pure joys of knowing and walking with Christ. Now, I better understand giving up my life to and for Jesus. He wants to reward and bless us, but cannot do that when we are so focused on blessing ourselves. Our blessing pales in comparison. So, count the cost, but know that it is worth it!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Face in the crowd

Do you like amazing stories? In Mark ch5v21-34, Jesus is engulfed in a huge crowd. A woman with a bleeding irregularity decides that if she can just touch his robe, she'll be healed. Jesus feels the healing power leave him. His discipl?es look at him as if he's mad. How could he feel anything with this mob crowd pressing against them! But Jesus knows and the woman comes forward. Even in times of crowded chaos, Jesus hears us. Perhaps it is focus. We focus on the crowd. Jesus focuses on the individuals making up the crowd. God has made each of us and he cares for each of us. Think about that the next time someone cuts you off on the road. Take time to see the faces in your crowd!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Who's your audience

In keeping with God's plan, we read in Mark ch5v1-22. Jesus confronts a demon-possessed man. He relievies the man of the demon spirits and sends them into a herd of pigs. The man, now healed, wanted to follow Jesus. But Jesus denies him this and tells the man to go home to family and tell them everything the Lord has done. Some are meant to follow closely, while others are meant for different purposes. We all have parts to play. So, what is your part? Are you seeking God's will? Where does He want you to serve? He has healed us all, and we do have a story to tell. Find your audience.

Friday, February 15, 2013

God has a plan

God has a plan. He has revealed Himself to us in the Bible. In Mark ch4v35-40, Jesus is on the sea with his disciples when a storm comes up. Jesus is asleep and the disciples are frightened. They awaken Him, fearing for their lives. He rebukes the storm, then the disciples. He challenges their faith. He rebukes them for not believing in God's plan. Things seem dire to the disciples, but they forget that God has a plan for them. God has a plan for us as well. He has taken us this far. Do you feel done? I don't. There is definitely more work to be done. We should not fear this world, Jesus has overcome this world.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Heart's Desire

How's your heart? In Mark ch3, Jesus heals a man with a deformed hand on the Sabbath. The Pharisees are outraged and plot to kill Jesus for not honoring the Sabbath. Jesus, knowing what was in their hearts, became angry and deeply saddened by their hard hearts. Did this miracle need to occur on this day? No. The man was not in danger of dying over this deformity. Yet, to Jesus, it was important. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. We should not forget it was God who gave us this day of rest. While we should honor that day, we should not become blindly consumed by keeping the letter of the law and ignoring the intent. God has placed this in our hearts, it is called desire. What is your heart's desire today? Something lasting? Or to follow the letter of law.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Do you Think, or do you know

Have you been to the doctor lately? Probably not if you don't feel sick. But are you really well? In Mark ch2, Jesus does some amazing things. First, in vv1-12, he heals a man paralyzed. Four friends bring this man to see Jesus. For healing? Who could possibly heal paralysis? Jesus does, by saying the man's sins are forgiven. Pharisees in attendance were outraged. Only God can forgive sin. Notice it was not enough for Jesus to merely teach, he proved his authority with action. Similarly, we cannot just say we have faith and continue life as normal. Faith should change us! In ch2v13-17 Jesus calls Matthew to follow Him. In his excitement for his conversion, Matthew throws a party and invites his friends. Normal. We have good news and want to celebrate and tell others! V17...Jesus did not come to call those who THINK they are righteous, but those who know they ARE sinners. What say you? Think you are ok, or do you need THE doctor?

Monday, February 11, 2013

If you are Willing...

Me: The Gospel of Mark begins rapid-fire. He jumps from one situation to the next, like he is in a hurry. Remember, this writer was the disciple of Peter. The purpose of this Gospel is to reach the christians in Rome. Roman culture is much like ours today. There was much national pride, strong military, and focus on richness. I imagine the converting to Christianity was difficult given the power and strength that Rome possessed. In ch1v40-45, a man with leprosy approaches Jesus to request healing. He has heard about Jesus' miracles of restoration and casting out demons. He begins by asking Jesus, "If you are willing". Jesus' response is "I am willing". Seems simple eh? Do we go to the Lord with this attitude? Or do we command in our prayer to have God "fix" things. We Romans believe it is our right to control. Be careful, Jesus IS willing, but only if you ask with the right heart. We'll see how later He rejects the Pharisees' plea for a miraculous sign. Fix your heart!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Many Questions

We have come to the end of Matthew. The last 2 chpts rush through the cruxifiction, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. John's gospel is much more in depth. Matthew is almost giving quick highlights. One thing Matt does is write about Jesus' last command, the Great Commission. We are to go and make believers of all nations, baptisizing i n the name of the trinity. Folks, we have work to do. Jesus ends with the assurance that He will be with us. Do you feel His presence? Is He close with you in your work? Do we even invite Him into our work? How is our kingdom building going? Are we discipling others? The next generation? Are we reaching out to those who are older? Lots of questions. The NT has just begun. There is still much to learn and read through. Onto Mark!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Misunderstood Motives

Misunderstood motives. How often do we fail to see why others do what they do? We don't see the big picture, only the immediate. We get caught up in our small understanding of security and safety. In Matt ch 27v39-44, Jesus is crucified. While He is on the cross, many scoff and jeer at him. They mock his assignment of staying on the cross because they fail to understand the true purpose. They are looking at the temporal, not the big picture. In v42, one added that if He came down from the cross, they'd believe Him. News to that guy, He did even better! He not only was obedient to God (are we?), He had eternal vision and realized that there was more important work than that moment. We, perhaps, are too quick to judge, not allowing understanding of one's true purpose. Think long term!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What We Pass On

During the passion week as explained in Matt ch27, Jesus is arrested and tried by the Roman Gov, Pilate. Pilate understands that Jesus really has committed no crime, yet the Jewish leaders cause an uproar to have Jesus crucified. In ch26v25, the jewish audience responds to Pilate washing his hands of responsibility by declaring that will, they and their children. Lucky for the children eh? Talk about responsibility, as parents, what we do and what we promise does fall on our children. Our reputations, debts, and successes fall on our kids. We need to be aware of that and careful as to what we pass on. Also, we need to think about our actions and promises and how those will affect our kids. Even Pilate preferred to do what was easy, not what was right. Let's be doers of right!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Gifts we possess

Football is for the birds. At least this year. In Matt ch25v14-30, Jesus tells a parable of three servants. A king leaves on a trip and gives amounts of money to three different servants. One is given 10, one has 2, and one has 1. Over his absence, the king's servants all do something with the money. The 10 and 2 double the amounts. The one hides his. The king returns, happy with the two who used their gifts wisely, doubling them. To the one, he rebuked as laze, wasting what the king has given. Do we use what God has blessed us with? Or are we waiting or unsure? God has given us talents, gifts and abilities to use in glorifying Him and advancing the kingdom. Don't waste them or misuse. See v29 for that moral. We can all tell others what Jesus has done for us!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

What are you putting your faith in?

Happy G-Hog Day. Happy G-Hog day. There is definitely a shadow. In Matt ch24v1-2, Jesus' disciples are in awe of the Temple in Jerusalem with the various majestic buildings. They point out the power of these buildings and that God himself has resided there. Jesus informs them of the coming destruction of the Temple. He is warning them not to put their trust in things (like rodents?). Rather, God is in control. The disciples were caught up in national pride and physical structures bigger than themselves. Are we not the same? We rest knowing our military can defeat any foe. We build mighty walls to keep ourselves safe, and others out. (Not so you say? How well does an accountability partner know you?) Our pride should be in the kingdom of God alone. Be ready!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Greatest Commandments

The greatest commandment. Matt ch23V34-40. The Pharisees tried to trick Jesus by asking what the greatest commandment was. Looking back, God gave us the commandments as a way to live properly, and to show our need for Him, as it was impossible to keep the law! Jesus' response is loving God, then others. If we truly love, would we ever want to disappoint or do wrong to God? What about others? God loves them too, yet we judge others all the time. So Jesus sums up the entire law and words of the prophets in two commands, love God, and love others as yourself. Easy right? So, how do we love? Tough love? Mushy love? Soft love? Love could mean sacrificing self, serving another, putting their needs and desires ahead of our own. Try it and see how it works for ya!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Serving is about attitude

Say goodbye to Jan. However, we are still in Matt. In ch 20, the disciples are grumbling about who will be greatest and sit beside Jesus on His throne. Again, they fail to understand Jesus' mission. In v22, Jesus rebukes them noting you don't know what you are asking. He further clarifies in v26-27. How well are we serving others? Do we do things to "build our resume", or do we truly desire to serve? Everyone seeks a notable reputation, but how many put themselves aside for others. Mother Teresa comes to mind. Even though her fame spread, she did not use that to promote herself, it was to promote her mission and Jesus. How often do we serve without anyone knowing? Or do we seek the applause of men? Try it today without anyone truly does a heart well. Come Feb!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wealth vs. commandments

Wednesday anyone? In Matt ch19v16, Matthew writes about a rich man approaching Jesus and asking about getting eternal life. Jesus rebukes him by noting only God is good. He then tells the man to keep the commandments. The man, inhis pride and arrogance notes that he has kept them all. Notice that Jesus recited commandments 5-10. Next, Jesus hits the man with commandment other Gods! This rich man loves his wealth too much. He leaves Jesus sad. Jesus is not saying wealth is evil. Rather, it is how we use our wealth and how we "worship" it. Does wealth/money make you secure? Can you ever get enough? Money will lose it's value, don't rely on it. None of us are "rich", 1%ers, yet we have made it this far. What makes you think God won't keep providing your needs?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Who Do You Say I Am!

"Who do you say I am" asked Jesus in Matt ch16v15. This is not an intellectually based question only. We need to remind ourselves of this question daily. As CS Lewis wrote, Jesus is either a liar, lunatic, or Lord. If the first two, he is easily dismissed. But if the third, we must follow. Jesus' teachings were difficult, and still are. Peter tries to protect Jesus in Matt 16:22. He did not realize how God's plan is different from man's. We are upset at difficulties in life. We fail to realize those as part of God's plan to strengthen us or purify us. We look back at the disciples in the Gospels and think, geez, these guys are thick. Jesus was with them and they failed to realize how special it was. Hey, Jesus is with us still today. Is He Lord in your life? Careful with that answer, it may cause changes in your actions, behaviors, thoughts, and attitudes!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Show us a sign

I'll bet you never considered yourself a Pharisee....I certainly didn't. But as I read Matt ch16v1-4, I cannot count the times I have pleaded,, beggeed and prayed to God to fix something on my timeframe, and in the way I wanted it done. In the verses, the Pharisees are demanding a miraculous sign. As if Jesus has not shown enough already. Think about that in your life too, the amazing miracles God provides us each day. Instead of complying with their demand, Jesus gives them a sign that foreshadows his death at their hands. But don't miss the temporary nature of His death, like Jonah, it is only to last 3 days. This is the most incredible miracle ever. Not that the P's understood, we don't fully some 2000 years later. Jesus does show miracles daily, we just need to look.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Compassion, Just Like Jesus

Compassion, emotions, we all have these, even Jesus. In Matt ch14, Jesus' cousin, John the Baptist is killed. The order for execution is given by a guilty king who is powerless over his evil wife. What does Jesus do? He left in a boat to be alone. He needed time to grieve the loss of his cousin and friend. He certainly must know that he'd meet up with him again. But he took time to grieve. Even Jesus has emotions. These emotions of sorrow did not last long, as huge crowds gathered. It is ok to mourn, but we need remember, that there is still work to be done and people need us. Part of Jesus' compassion is to care for those he encounters. Ch14:16 has Jesus telling his disciples to feed the crowd, not send them away. Healing involves helping others. Just like Jesus.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

All just seeds

Perhaps Spring is still far off, but the parable of the scattering seeds told by Jesus in Matthew ch13 is relevant today. He speaks of seeds falling on four types of ground and how they live and die. He goes on to explain that we are the seeds and the soil type it falls on is how we receive and respond to the Word of God. Do we embrace the Word and get excited, only to fade? Rocky soil. Do we hear it, but life is too busy and worries too great? Thorns. Do we miss is completely because we don't try to understand? Path. Good soil is different. It is deep and rich. Spending time cultivating relationships is crucial. The one with God is similar in that it takes time and effort. But it is worth it. Jesus noted a bountiful crop, exceeding what was planted. Build it in prayer!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Is more evidence necessary?

How many of us struggle with doubt? It could be that we just aren't sure, or we could completely reject. In Matt ch11, John the Baptist sends his disciples to ask Jesus if He is the one. Interesting that John needs this confirmation. After all, he recognized the "lamb of God" as Jesus when he baptized Jesus. He understood his place and rank next to Jesus, not being worthy to untie Jesus' sandals. So why the doubt? John is in prison, and perhaps hasn't seen God work in quite the fashion he expected. Sound familiar? God not working in the fashion we expect? It is taking too long, there doesn't seem to be any activity, etc. We doubt. We become uncertain. Check out Jesus' response in ch11v4-6. Do we need ANOTHER miracle to believe?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Surrender...not defeat, rather victory

Matt 10:38-39 can be a very difficult section to understand. Remember, Jesus is instructing his disciples before sending them out. His point is to surrender to God. We need to quit trying to go alone and need to rely on and seek God. By clinging to our old ways, we will not taste the victory God has for us. When we give up our life, and submit to God, He refreshes us and gives us strength. As men, we have a stubbornness streak that we think we are capable and can do anything. Just remember that when trying to remove the lid on a new jar. Surrendering to another to help is really a foreign thought to us. That is exactly what God wants us to do in life in regards to him. Humbleness, respect and desire to serve Him are key. Be willing to tell others, I know who can open that jar!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jesus sends us out

Welcome back to your morning nuisance version 2.0! We'll pick up in Matt ch 10. Jesus is sending out His 12 disciples and gives them authority to cast out evil spirits and heal disease. Wow! What an opportunity! What an assignment! Jesus himself has empowered them! Don't you realize he has empowered us as well? The Holy Spirit dwells within us, and He is as equally powerful as God and Jesus (being 1). Jesus gives the disciples instructions on where to go and to be ready for people to reject and persecute them. Times might have changed, but things are still the same. V19 is crucial for us to remember that WHEN attacked, God will give us what to say. We need not worry about how to protect God. Jesus goes to great length to note his followers will be attacked. His response? Stay strong, it IS worth it!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What is True Power?

In Matthew Ch 9:23-33, Jesus does 2 incredible actions. In the first part, the disciples and Jesus in are a boat when a storm starts up. The boat is tossed and turned and the disciples are scared. Jesus is calm, in fact, He is asleep. They wake him terrified. Notice that even in their panic, the disciples held Jesus in enough regard to think He could save them. They might not have known how, but they at least figured He could. Jesus then calmed the storm. The disciples, even though they asked for his help, were amazed. How often are we amazed at God's work in our lives? We pray and ask for His movement, then we are either amazed at the result, or puffed up that we had a part in it. God longs to give us our requests, as long as they are in line with His will. The second part of this section shows Jesus having power over two demon-possessed men. The demon spirits in these men recognize Jesus and plead with him not to torture them. Jesus even allowed their wish and sent them into a herd of pigs who ran off a cliff. To the Jewish listener, those pigs got what they deserved as they were seen as unclean animals. However, this passage showed Jesus as having power even over the enemy! The demon-spirits had to ask permission first. Could Jesus simply take away all of the calamity and strife in our life? Of course. He has power over all, as shown in a sampling in these passages. Why then doesn't he? Which are you more grateful of, things done for you, or things you work through? We are called to love God and worship Him. This becomes harder as life gets easy. We mistakenly put our faith in ourselves during those times. Experiencing pain and difficulties builds us and makes us stronger. We arrive at the other side better for the experience. True power then, is being able, but still wanting growth in all. Storms in life prune us and take off dead and unnecessary limbs. God actually is blessing us by allowing these storms....that is true power.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Does our prayer wear God down?

In Matthew ch7, v7-11, the discussion is focused on effective prayer. "Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for". Sounds like something a child might do, repeatedly asking for something until the adult gives out and gives in. Wear em down! I think it is important not to get carried away in the first line. The second line adds, "Keep on seeking, and you will find". This is crucial. Does the writer mean seek a way to get what you want? I don't think so. It seems more appropriate that the author, Matthew, is urging us to seek God's will for us and ask along that line. Does God want you to have that new car? Verse 7 makes it sound like all you have to do is ask repeatedly. But the second part of that verse requires one to "seek". I do not believe it is seeking the right car. I think it is seeking God's will in the request. Does my request line up with God's will? Will this request glorify my own pride, or glorify God? How can this request be used? Will it further the kingdom and make God known to those who might not know Him currently? God is not against cars. No where in scripture does it come close to saying that God wants to deny our requests. In fact, it notes the opposite. Even in the Matthew ch 7 passage, Jesus notes that God knows how to give even better gifts than human fathers/parents. However, the gift must be consistent with God's will and plan. God is not the spiritual Santa Claus reigning to grant our every wish and desire. A point Jesus appears to be making in this passage is to seek out God's will and pray for gifts consistent with that will. God wants to bless His children. He wants to meet our needs and some desires. He is a loving God who cares for his flock. We should not abuse that love by making self-promoting or selfish requests. Seek God's will in your life. Understand how God wants you by asking in prayer, meditating on scripture and spending time connecting. God desires a relationship with you. We ought not ask for things we don't need, or things that will not foster that relationship. It is the key to our perseverance.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Follow Me

In Matthew Ch4, v18-22, Jesus calls his first disciples. Scripture notes that Jesus is walking along the shore and comes upon Peter and Andrew first. He simply called saying "follow me and I will show you how to be fishers of men". Later, he comes across John and James and simply says "follow me". And they did. Amazingly today it seems that we have to "sell" Jesus to others. We emphasize what the receiver will "get" by following. We talk about eternal life as a reward. Surely, the first disciples must have heard something about Jesus, perhaps knew he was a man of God? Maybe even a prophet? The excitement of following someone who spoke with the authority of God....but wait, in Matthew we have little record of Jesus' public ministry. In Ch4v17, it talks of Jesus beginning to preach. We don't know if Peter, Andrew, James or John even were present at these preachings. It almost appears as if they blindly follow Jesus. What would drive you to follow someone? Usually, for me, it is someone who demonstrates leadership, authority, and service towards others, as well as someone who we share a common interest. I am turned off by someone who is self-centered and out for their own glory. Also, we would need to see an itinerary and schedule. Where would we go, how would we support ourselves? What would our goals be and how would we measure? Many today would not blindly follow anything. At the first moment of discouragement, we'd bail. Not only did the disciples have discouragement (they were persecuted and jailed), but their leader was killed violently and they had to hide for a time. Yet, within a short period, they were back preaching and teaching openly about Jesus and what they had seen. Truly amazing. And what of poor Zebedee (James & John's father). They left him behind. Was he mad? Disappointed? Fishing was a tough business and the more hands the better. John was probably younger since he lived to at least 95AD, so having a young son abandon him and go join the circus must have been disheartening. Later in scripture we read of John and James' mother pleading with Jesus for her sons to sit in positions of authority, so we can assume their parents eventually got on board with the Jesus following, can't we? In conclusion, I find it amazingly simple that Jesus said follow me and they did. I am definitely curious to know more. Did these disciples see Him preach previously? How steeped in Jewish law and scripture were they to understand who the Messiah might be? Did they envision authority and riches from their decision to follow Jesus? Did they long to say goodbye to anyone and tie up loose ends? After all, scripture talks about others whom Jesus called to follow him, but indicated their desire to tie up loose ends first. I wonder at times my commitment. Am I following Him? Is it out of love for Him, or because I will "get" a reward in return? Simple words, follow me. Very deep meaning though. We cannot casually follow someone. Either we follow, or we don't. Following also assumes submission to one in authority over us. How often do we enjoy being led? Continue to "follow me" as we unlock and explore more of God's Word in the New Testament in 2013.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Testing God

Matthew, ch4 has the very familiar temptations of Jesus in the desert by Satan. We've heard that Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be purified for His assignment (so to speak). Satan came to test his resolve. He first hit him with physical pains of hunger. Jesus had not eaten for 40 days, so naturally, he was pretty hungry. Satan told him to instruct the stones to become loaves of bread. Seems harmless eh? Jesus is hungry after all. But Jesus answers with scripture from Deuteronomy (8:3). Next Satan tries to get Jesus to desire power by showing him the highest point in Jerusalem. Satan even quotes scripture from Ps 91 that angels will protect him. Jesus responds "You must not test the Lord your God" (Deut 6:16). Testing God. How often have I done just that. I give God "ultimatums" or requirements. I'll think things like "God if you just do this, or make this happen, I will believe more and follow you more closely". Let's be honest here, we all have these thoughts. Do we understand what we are doing? We are very selfish creatures, that is why we became separated from God in the first place! How often do we twist scripture to fit our "agenda"? We read it as to how we want to apply it. We must realize first that it was not written "TO US". It was actually written over 2,000 years ago. There are timeless principles that can be applied in our life, but we need to be careful to remember that the discussions between people in the Bible are not directed at us. So when Satan tempts, Jesus by telling him that angels will protect, he is misusing scripture in that way. In fact, Satan leaves out the verse just previous to the one he quotes which says "If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter". Satan was not trying to call on God's goodness to protect Jesus, that is why Jesus responded as he did. Notice one last thing. Jesus' response to Satan is direct. He doesn't accuse him of treachery, and does not engage him in argument. He merely responds to Satan's attempts. Is that meekness that Jesus talks about later? Meekness is not weakness, rather it is strength under control. Try it sometime. Be careful, as will I, about testing God. He is not at our "beckon call". He is to be worshiped and honored.