Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Of wealth and riches

: How many of us are rich? There is a storm brewing in our country today of taxing the rich, being against them. What they have is not fair, and they didn't build society is saying. But what riches are they talking about? Paul writes of better riches in Galatians and Ephesians. Those riches are pure and everlasting. Not like the paper & coin that gets ruined. We don't realize the wealth we possess. As we grow in Christ, we utilize that wealth more. We lean on God in times of trouble. Why not celebrate with Him in times of success? The thing about our wealth in Christ is that it is not ours to hoard. We don't realize the worth of it until we are giving it away. A man with $1 million is not rich until he begins to use the $. Our wealth is likewise. Beauty is we get more!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Paul ends his 2nd letter to the Corinthians with the word Rejoice! Encourage one another, greet each otherr in Christian love. Easy right? We do this all the time! Not even close! Now, this Christmas season is an excellent opportunity for us to do just that in the main stream! With Christmas music blasting at every store and decorations abounding, we have the oppty to really shine for Jesus. You might not like the songs or the unnecessary hype, or the materialistic spectacle that Christmas has become, but it is our time! Do we rejoice upon seeing one another? I've been to 2 funerals in the past week, people were sad and missed the departed. Then turned and gossiped, bickered and put one another down. Bro love or bro shove? It is time to rejoice! Don't let this pass!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Give Thanks

Thanksgiving over? Not so says Paul in 2 Cor 6-9. In ch8v9 talks about Jesus being rich, became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich. Do you feel rich? Being a partner in the gospel is to allow the gospel to have a life changing effect on you. Once we truly accept him, our lives are changed. This might not be a thunderbolt moment, but if the change is true, the fruit will show. Ch9v15....thank God for his Son-a gift too wonderful for words!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Troubles or opportunities?

The troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever! Paul writes this in 2 Cor 4:18. It is true today as well. What troubles got better through worry? What have we solved by fretting? Do the troubles of today seem like impassible mountains? What about the mountains of yesterday? Not as big now? Do we look for the joys, or merely focus on the troubles. Good questions we must meditate through. The news cycles nowadays does not help, only focusing on the negative. Gossip doesn't help either. We are constantly trying to build ourselves up at other's expense. As I pause for thanksgiving thought, I need to remind myself that God is higher than any mountain. And that by faith, those mts can be moved. I need to adjust my focus...there is joy to be had!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Welcome to the table

In many ways, Paul letters to the church in Corinth are like "how-to" manuals. In 1 Cor 11:23-33 Paul discusses communion,, eating the Lord's supper. Note his special instruction in vv27-29. We need to be right with God before we partake. What does "right with God" mean? To be without sin? Impossible. To be "really religious", not so. To be putting others esp Jesus higher than self....YES! Being right with God means not giving into temptations of the flesh, or desires of self. Rather, focused and worshipping Jesus for His sacrifice and work done on the cross. The elements of bread and wine(juice) are symbolic. We do in rememberance. It is not meant as a meal. We are all unworthy to participate. But Jesus himself has invited us! It is the most filling element you can eat!

Monday, November 19, 2012

God provides...temptation watch out!

Moving along in 1 Cor, we see Paul giving instructions on a wide range of topics...marriage, relations, diet, payment to pastors, etc... He issues both approvals and warnings. One warning is esp important to me. In 1 Cor 10:12-13, he warns about being too confident or too cockey! He notes that the very temptation we think we are so powerful at avoiding, can consume us. And, he continues that these temptations are common to man! But, he declares that God will provide a way out. Amazing how God has our back! He knows what we can bear and when we need help. So, if you think the pressure is too much, look to God, He has already provided a way out. We might see it right away, and it might not be what we expect, but it is what we need!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Getting right with God

Getting right with God, how can we do that? We can't! Paul writes about this in Ro 9-11. It is by God's doing. We don't understand God's way, rather we try to do it our way. We keep the law (as much as we can), do what we think if right and fair, and basically "act" religious. However, we are the mere clay, God is the potter. It is not ours to argue. But God loves and provides His grace and mercy. Ch10 discusses this grace through salvation. If you need a tool to witness, this is it! In v9-13, Paul explains confessing and belief. There is a key point in can one call on Him unless they believe in Him. And to believe, shouldn't you want to know the object of that belief? Get to know God. He desires a relationship with us! The potter wants to know His clay!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Who is Your Boss?

In Romans ch 6-8, Paul makes the case of changing one's nature and no longer being a slave to sin. Ch6v14 , Sin is no longer your master! It is like going into a former employer's business and allowing them to order you around. Us prideful Americans would never go for that! We should not mock sin, nor should we continue to test the limits of sin. We are a new creation in the Spirit. The Law makes us aware of sin. We cannot keep the law, we will always fail. But God in His grace, provided us a way. See ch8v3. Christ is that way. He is our new boss. We need His guidance. Allow yourself to be controlled by the Spirit. To do this, you must connect. Prayer, meditation, reading the Word. How can you be in a relationship without putting forth any effort ? Seek Him. Ch8v31 God is for us!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Amazing Love

As we hit Romans 4-5, we see Paul digging into some deep theology, justification. By doing certain things, we deserve, we are justified in our actions right? Not so fast. The Law God has provided only shows us that we are unable to earn salvation. We fall short of God's perfect standard. Is all hope lost then? Certainly not! Paul declares God's love for us by explaining Jesus' sacrifice. In Ro 5:8, he notes that while we were sinners, He sent His son to die for us! I don't know about you, but I do not give even simple gifts to those I do not like or get along with. Actually, my selfish nature can keep me from giving to those I do like. But what God did is amazing. He provided the solution, even when that is rejected. Amazing love doesn't begin to describe!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Romans 1-3, The Set-Up

As I begin reading Romans ch1-3, I wonder why I don't feed on this book more. The depth and clarity of Romans is truly astounding. Paul lays out truth after truth, really coming to the point of the matter. Ro 3:23, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. ALL have sinned! Paul condemns us who know the law as well as those who do not. Ch1v20 talks about general revelation. We should know about God by simply looking at His creation! These first three chpts are the setup. Paul is describing the problem, and that we humans cannot fix the problem-separation from God. All the door holding and helping old ladies across streets will not punch our ticket back to relationship with God. So what does? That is why Paul didn't end Romans at on!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Frustrated Witness?

When we hear the truth, do we readily accept it? Paul is on trial before King Agrippa in Acts ch26. He details his own conversion a nd mission in Jesus. Agrippa, who is noted as knowledgable in Jewish teachings, replies"Do you think you can make me a Christian so quickly"? Paul is a super witness, having met with Jesus first hand. He also met and lived with the disciples of Jesus, who witnessed his earthly life first hand. If Paul were to have difficulties in his witnessing to others, should we not expect difficulties? Does the fear of rejection or having questions we are unable to answer hinder or stop us from a witness opportunity? Did it stop Paul?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Statues to Unknown Gods?

In Acts ch 17, Paul addresses a council of philosophers about their statue to an unknown God. In v24, Paul describes the True God of the universe, creator of Heaven and earth. One God. That is where our hope is placed. He gives life and breath and satisfies every need. He is greater than mere happenings here on earth. For me, this is important. I do not pretend to know or understand all of God's ways. He causes things to happen that seem bad at the time, but there comes good from it. So, things in life will disappoint and go a way you think is bad. But as Paul reminds us, God is in control and is working out His plan through our lives. He is greater than any one!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Our Actions Vs. God's Grace

Peter gets it! In Acts ch15v7-11, Peter makes a very good point as leaders are arguing whether new converts should be baptized and circumcized, and follow the law of Moses. Peter notes that they should not burden the Gentiles with a yoke that the Jews were unable to bear. It shows the purpose of the law! It was not meant that man should follow every letter, he cannot. It was to guide the Jews and help them understand sin exists. It was a way to demonstrate how far they were from God's perfect standards. The Christian faith is not based on our actions and rituals, rather it is solely God's grace. We forget that and go about the business judging others by how "religious" they are. Peter stifled the discussion 2,000 yrs ago, we need to stifle it today! Not by our actions!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Can't Stop God!

Acts ch5-7 discusses issues within the early church, from deciet with Ananias and Sapphira with holding money and lying about it, to having too much work and not enough workers. Ch5 also discusses the conversation of the Sanhedrin who were trying to decide what to do with the apostles' teaching on Jesus. Gamaliel, a wise member, rose up and declared that if this teaching was from man, it will eventually die out and fail. If it was from God, you will not be able to stop it. Here we are 2,000 years later....can't stop God! Ch7 has Stephen, a helper of the apostles, being tried by the Sanhedrin and providing an eloquent and quick history of the Jews. He concludes noting they have killed their prophets. Guilty! And they kill him too! The first martyr...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

Something happened in Acts ch1-4 that caused these uncertain and fearful men to stand up boldly for the Gospel. The Holy Spirit gave them power, wisdom and courage. Peter, the one who denied Christ 3 times suddenly was preaching with authority in the temple courts! This radical change is proof enough for me that they witnessed what they said! Their character changed! No longer hiding in the shadows so they would not get caught, they proclaimed boldly. When the Holy Spirit dwells in us, we are filled with such courage as well. The transformation creates the desire in us to share with others! Unfortunately, others often do not share the passion back and we become either discouraged or lukewarm. The enemy is cunning and patient. Don't allow your fire to go out. There is work to do!