Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just as the Lord commanded

In Exodus 35-40, we see the making of the tabernacle and God's acceptance of the work. What a great feeling that must have been. But wait, are you not also God's work? Is he accepting of you? Jesus might be able to help answer that one!

In Exodus' final chapters, we see Moses commanding the Israelites to build items in certain ways. Notice how many times it reads..."just as the Lord commanded Moses". Talk about paying attention and following through on instructions....we could all learn a lesson from Moses.

Remember, Moses was not doing this for his own glory, he didn't even want the job! He had fearful respect and love for the Lord, so he accepted that God had a purpose for even the tiniest detail. God has a purpose for the details in our lives too....

Monday, January 30, 2012

We still have a cow!!!

Today, in Exodus 32-34 we read about the golden calf. The Israelites lost faith in God. Moses seemed to have disappeared on the mountain. So they somewhat forced Aaron to comply by making this calf.....he did not put up much of a fight.

How do we grow tired of waiting for God's timing today? What do we use as our golden calf? Money? Position? Posessions? Are we like Aaron and go along to get along?

Check out Ex 33:3. God is ready to start over! Luckily Jesus has become our intermediary today, so we can approach God. But do we want to take that for granted, or really show our appreciation. How? Praise Jesus and seek God.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What's on my mind....

I'm off subject today but have something that is touching me. Seeking God is something we might not think about often. After all, what does God want from us? In Micah 6:6-8, He tells us. Do right, love mercy and walk humbly. Easy to do right? Not for me. It takes effort and desire. I'm instructed in 1 Thess 5:16-18 to always be joyful, always pray and always be thankful. I do have a lot to be thankful for. I have a God who loved me enough to do for me what I could not do for myself.

I desire to seek Him in His word, serve Him in his church body and to share Him in my actions. Moment by moment.....pray for me as I will for you.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Insrtuctions anyone?

Reading today in Exodus 28-31, we find God's detailed instructions on everything from the clothing of the priests to the consecration and commands for the priests. Quite a bit of detailed information.

This makes me think that if God has that much detail in the beginning of who was to serve, how to serve and what they would wear, He must have a pretty detailed plan for me. But how do i discover this plan? Obedience.

Moses was obedient in recording God's instructions. They were obedient in following through with them. We need to be obedient in following God today. Be purposeful in your pursuit!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Plans...who needs plans....

God does. Before the Israelites even had a home, God provided plans for the tabernacle (church) for them. Today in Exodus 25-27 we see the detailed nature of those plans. If God is that detailed and specific about building a TENT, just think of the plans He has for us!!

We might be tempted at times to wish that God were a little more flexible, yielding to our own desires and expectations. If God were small enough for you to control, He would be too small to help you in your time of need.....

God has plans for us. Be still and listen. Connect with Him.

Rules, rules , rules.....always rules....

Rules ,rules, rules.....always rules.

Today, we read in Ex 21-24 about the various rules and laws God gave to Moses (in addition to the 10 commandments). Why so many rules? The people of Israel were set apart by God as a chosen holy people, a kingdom of priests. The rules were meant for their general welfare, as well as to keep them focused. The principle that you will eventually worship what you serve definitely applies.

The rules of living Moses received from God have become the basis for many of our laws today. Reading through them, there are not ones that seem overly restrictive. Think about some of our laws and rules today. Do they not help you feel safer knowing that they are in place. Anarchy would rule if each decided what is right in their own eyes....but that period is still to come.....

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

10 simple rules.....

Today, we are in Ex 19&20. The Ten Commandments. This was not God's way of limiting the freedom of the Israelites, rather it is for their protection and profit. Rules are necessary for guiding and enjoyment as well.

The first 4 commandments cover the vertical relationship with God. The rest are the horizontal relationships with others. How are you doing today in keeping these? There are only 10, it should not be that hard.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Has it been enough?

In Exodus ch 16-18, the Israelites are wandering in the wilderness, following God's lead. Times are tough for them as food and water are scarce. The people complain. Moses is distraught.

A key lesson to be learned is that "blessing brings responsibility". The Lord was blessing his people by guiding and providing for them, not to mention the miraculous exit from Egypt.....yet the people still wanted more...

Sound familiar? How do we ask God for more? Do we in effect say to God, yes, thanks for doing x for us, but now we want y. If God never does another act for you, has it been enough?

Good news is that God will provide for us and not stop. He loves you that much.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Nice view from the sidelines, but God wants us in the game!

Today, in Exodus 13-15 we see the awesome escape of the Israelites from the mighty Egyptian army. God was definitely protecting them!

In fact the people became so expectant of God doing something that they became like spectators. In Ch 14 v15, God reminds us that we too have work to do. As He says, GET MOVING!!!

God will provide and lead us when we follow Him, but we have to follow.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Remember....key to moving forward...

Today we are in Ex 11&12. The 10th plague (death) and the passover. Moses writes how God instructs him to prepare for the passover, as well as how to remember it. Remembrance is a key for the Israelites as God is constantly reminding them of what He has done for them.

Do we remember what God has done for us, or do we consistently ask for more? We should be careful that we only use God for the next thing or next hurdle in life. After all, He has gotten you this far, why would He stop now. Remembering what God has done is key, just see how He reminds the patriarchs and Moses....

Friday, January 20, 2012

Plagues!! And you think you've got problems

Exodus 7-10 detail the first nine plagues that God used against Egypt and Pharoh. After several, Pharoh seemed to give in, then hardened his heart again. He did not believe the power of God. Moses stuck to God's instructions, never compromising. To him, he understood that anything short of obedience is disobedience.

Do you see signs by God in your life? Are you listening? Are you obeying? Just like Pharoh, we sometimes try to explain things away, rather than seeking God's direction.

After reading in ch 8, I'll never look upon Kermit quite the same again.....

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Please, send someone else!!!

"Lord please, send someone else"!!!

This was the request of Moses to God in Exodus 4:13. Moses felt that he was not right for the job. God's response was for all that you lack and everything that you are not, I AM.

How often do we wrestle with God today? "I can't possibly do that", or I don't know enough....just how big is your God? Did He not create the situation you are in to begin with?

Our cry should be like David.....send me! For the Lord is with me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Exit, stage left....

Welcome to the Exodus!!!

The exit from Egypt is one of the most important events of the entire history of Israel. For four hundred years, the Israelites languished as slaves under Pharoh. Then God provided. He provided a leader to lead them out. He provided a way for them to leave. He provided miraculous events and happenings so that they would not miss it. Finally, He provided their needs

God's plan didn't stop there. As His children, God still has a plan for us. Don't you want to know what it is? Ask Him. Seek Him. Knock at the door and He will answer.

How you ask? What door? How will I get to know God?

The Bible lays out his plan, it tells us what we need to know about Him. Prayer works too!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Let the grudge go...

Are you still reading along? Today we finish Genesis, and what a finish it is.

The last days of Jacob and then Joseph are noted in Gen 48-50. Both giving blessings to offspring and both requesting to be buried in the land God has given.

Ch 50 v16 is interesting regarding forgiveness. Joseph's brothers worry that Joseph will extract revenge now that their father Jacob is dead. Joseph reassures them that he has forgiven and let go and will do them no harm. In fact he notes that through their treachery, God used the situation for good.

So, what do we need to forgive and move forward? God will not use your situation if you brood over it and plot revenge! Put your anger and resentments at the foot of the cross and leave them there. God really does have bigger and better things in store for us in the future......

Monday, January 16, 2012

We are Family.....

Gen 45-47 talk about Joseph's family united in Egypt. There are lists of his brothers and their children. Upon first glance, one might be tempted to simply skip over the names, which are hard to pronounce. But there is reason for their inclusion.

How important is family to you? Does your family know that? How do you show it to them?

We might be tempted to search out others or consume ourselves into tasks at hand. Be careful though, don't leave family behind.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

FAITH...the 4 dudes of Genesis

Models of faith...Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. Each uniquely different in their relationship with God, yet each committed. A simple acronym for faith is Forsaking All, I Trust Him. Carry that with you today.

God will lead when we seek Him. Surrendering to His will does not leave us with nothing to do. We are the vessel God works through.

Sat and Sun are days of rest in our culture....be careful not to rest so much that you come off track! There is still work to be done. As Jesus said, the fields are plentiful, yet the workers are few. What is God calling you to today? How do you know?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Feeling Unlucky??

Well, it is Fri the 13....do you feel unlucky?

In Gen 37-40 we read some of Joseph's story. Talk about unlucky. Joseph's own brothers plotted to kill him, then traded him for 20 pieces of silver. What is it about man's greed and obsession with pieces of silver....

Joseph later was imprisoned for violating his master's wife...which he did not do. He languished in prison, encouraging others and becoming a trusted leader.

So, was Joseph unlucky, or was he being prepared for future events. How can we come to handle crises if we have never been through them? How can we understand or see God's hand in our lives if we are so full of our own pride and ability.

Unlucky, i don't think so. It is all part of God's plan to prepare us for future events.....pay attention, you will be part of that plan if you believe.....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

With whom or what do we wrestle?

Do you ever really spend alone time with God? Or do life's distractions take away your focus? I have trouble concentrating at times and seem to wrestle with various demands on my time.

In Gen 32-36, we see Jacob wrestling with God. He is worried about his upcoming meeting with his estranged brother Esau. But during the struggle, Jacob makes a request....he wants God to bless him. Seems as though he eventually was able to focus.

During our struggles in life, we might be wise to focus on God for a while. Our pride, our worries, and our desire to be the solution cause us to "go it alone" for a while. A chord of 2 or 3 is stronger than 1.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So you think you have problems.....check out Jacob in Gen 27-31. Lying, cheating, deceitful, greedy, stubborn...not exactly adjectives you would think of when reading about one of God's blessed servants.

That is part of the richness and truth of scripture....it is honest and shows the good, the bad and the ugly. God has been honest with us in providing the true nature and being of his servants in scripture....do we in turn live honestly with Him? Or do we gloss over our inequities and short comings? The thing is, God already knows us and what we've done. Confession of sins and short comings cleanses us, see 1 John 1:9.

Challenge yourself to be honest with God in prayer...after all, He has been honest with us.....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How much????

Into double digits-Jan 10!

Speaking of double, today in Gen 25-26, we read about the twin sons of Isaac. The tricky and cunning Jacob, and the impetuous and rough Esau. One part sticks out to me, Ch 25 v 29-34. This is where Esau, who is exhausted from a hunt, agrees to give Jacob his birthright for some food.

Sounds crazy doesn't it...i mean giving up your future rights and security for a temporary remedy. Esau would become hungry again! But what do we give up with choices we make? What does it do to our security when we compromise our beliefs and take back our will. What foolish acts have we been willing to throw it all away over? You might say it was a permanent reminder for a temporary feeling.

The key is to think through our actions. Jesus even noted to "count the cost". What is temporary relief worth to you?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Testing, testing 123......

Gen 21-24 talks about Abraham preparing to sacrifice Isaac in obedience to God. Isaac was his son, whom he loved dearly. How could God ask him to sacrifice him? After all, Abraham had left the lands of human sacrifice and come into a relationship with God, who valued life.

What was God doing to Abraham? Why the need for this test? Did Abraham pass? Would we have passed, or would we look for another way out, including delay?

Are you learning the lessons today that will help you handle the tests God has for you tomorrow? Remember, God does not need our help, only our obedience.....

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

We are rolling through Genesis at a breathless pace. Today, we are in Gen 18-20.

Part of this is about the three angels appearing with Abraham and telling him that next year, his aged wife Sarah will have a son. She laughs at this.

Verse 18:14 asks "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"

How will we answer that in light of our seemingly unwinnable struggles in our life? Surely there are things in your life that you feel cannot possibly be overcome.....how big is your God?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sincerity Matters

Over the past week we have begun reading about the great patriarchs and pillars of faith. To refresh your understanding, i encourage you to read in Hebrews 11 (New Testament).

Note Heb 11:6, "Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who SINCERELY seek him".

Don't just go through the motions. When you truly embrace something, the victory is so much sweeter. More to come

Friday, January 6, 2012

So, what's the hurry?

Reading in Gen 15-17, seems as though being in a hurry is nothing new. Abram could not wait for God to bless him and Sarai with a child, so they took matters into their own hands....Hagar and Ishmael. The amazing thing in ch 15v6, God declares Abram righteous because of his belief!!!

So we rush through life, trying to "help" God, not realizing it is on His timing. God does not open paths for us before we come to them, or provide help before it is needed. He only removes obstacles out of the way when we reach them, one step at a time.

God does not need your "help", he wants your obedience and love. Like all relationships, it cannot be rushed. So what is your hurry?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

where is the map??

Today in Gen 12-14, we pick up where God leads Abram out of Ur. He doesn't exactly tell Abram where to go until he gets there....talk about blind faith.

Like Abram, we don't always need to know where you are going, provided you know whom you're following....

Who will you follow today? Do you have a plan? Did it include prayer, asking for God to show His will for you today?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Boats and Promises

If you are reading along in the Bible with me (and i KNOW you are), today we read in Genesis about Noah and the flood. Truly amazing how much has changed from Gen 1 to Gen 6. Keep an eye out for the various promises God makes with Noah. He still promises today.

The Bible might be completely written, but it is not completely applied. There are lessons we can learn even from Noah that can apply to us today.

Noah built a boat (device not made before) for a flood (never had this happened before) to save humanity. Noah was faithful to God in following out God's request. What is God requesting of us today? I'm sure it is not to idily sit by and stay comfortable. Noah took a step in faith into the unknown because God called him to. God is calling us as well. What is your boat?

My Plan

The new year is really off and running. Anyone already break a new year's resolution?

Reading today in Gen 10&11, the people started to built great cities. In one, Babel, they were building a tower to the sky. God saw that this would cause them to be arrogant, prideful, and worshipping what they had done, rather than worhsipping God. Remember, this was after God flooded the earth and started over.

God will do things for our own good, even if we don't realize or understand. By confusing their language, He attempted to have mankind rely on Him, rather than their own accomplishments.

Even today, we struggle with this. How many of us just reviewed this past year and thought about all WE had accomplished? What about our goals in the new year? Want to make God laugh, tell Him what you are going to do tomorrow.

We must rely on God to help us do what we cannot. Or we can continue to struggle with mild success at times, but failure in the end.