Monday, April 30, 2012

God has a plan

As April ends, so does Chronicles. Today we finish 2 Chron 33-36. There is good news and bad news. The bad is that the longest reigning and most evil king Manasseh is on the throne. This guy went so far as to sacrifice his own sons! His son Josiah takes over and restores the worship of God, but that is short-lived. Eventually, the Babylonians come to conquer and exile the nation. Chronologically, we are nearing the end of Old Testament history. The good news is that God has not forgotten His people. He still has a plan. That plan can be carried out even by non-believers....see the Persian king Cyrus! Who is God using in our life to steer us? God is not through, even when things might seem lost. God's got a plan!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Time for Spring Cleaning!

In 2 Chron (29-32). King Hezekiah has become king and decided that it was time to really follow the Lord. In ch 29 v 17, the Levites did the first "Spring Cleaning". They cleaned out the temple in 16 days after years and generations of neglect! Each year we get the mowers out and begin the process of yard cleanup. We go through closets and drawers to throw out or give away old stuff. But do we clean out our hearts towards God? If you are like me (and you know you are), clutter can fill up your spiritual life. Taking time to put God first and keeping on track is crucial. Like Hezekiah, i need to clean house and get myself right. Get my focus on God. By putting God first, King Hezekiah spared Judah defeat by the Assyrians. What tragedy will we be spared?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Learing from experience??

Chronicles, in fact the entire Bible, is not meant to be an exhaustive history. Rather, there is purpose behind the writings. Chronicles is written by someone of priestly lineage (Ezra?) For the purpose of showing how the kings of Judah obeyed God and what impact they had on the temple. Understanding this is important to realize why so much of history is glossed over. A key point is odebience to God. Blessings and victory fell on those who obeyed, not so much with those who didn't. You would think they would learn from their history, easy isnt it? Do we? Even in our daily lives we do not redo things that are desctructive....Einstein is credited with saying "insanity is doing the same things over again, expecting different results". After reading Chronicles, it is clear where he got that from!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do we listen?

: Crazy times in Judah! 2 Chron 21-25 is pretty fast-paced. Kings come, kings go. Worhipping of God, then idols. Seems that this group does not learn from it's past! Sound familiar?
Ch 24 v 19 asks a very important we listen to God's prophets? Is God still actively providing people messages today? Probably not in the same way He did in Biblical times, but we can be sure God is involved for those who seek Him. Do we listen to warnings? Not just our nation, but as individuals? Do we heed the calls and warnings from our pastors? God is giving them inspiration to provide us with His truth. We must listen, and not just approach luke warmly! The Bible has provided us an example for that behavior.....

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How will others follow?

Jumpin Jehoshaphat! In 2 Chron 17-20 we read about how he was a good king with a major flaw. He sought the Lord, but trusted his fellow Israelite kings. From the wicked Ahab to the wicked Ahaziah, Jehoshaphat tried to work with Israel. One good thing was that when crisis hit, J went to the Lord in prayer. He would only consult God's prophets.
What do we do in time of crisis? If we pray or consult the Lord, do we do it alone, or include our family? After all, how will they learn if they don't experience. As Prov 3 says, trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. Show others how...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lessons learned?

Quite a tragedy in today's reading of 2 Chron 13-16. One king, Abijah does not follow God and ends up with a very short leadership, only 3 years. Another, Asa, does follow God, mostly. He begins his reign by driving out idol worship, relying on God to help against his enemies, and by following God. Asa relied on God to defeat an overwhelming army of Israelites, then Ethiopians. Both times, God provided. Then, another Israelite king invaded, and Asa sought the help of a foreign king rather than God. See verse 16:9, it holds a valuable truth even for us today! Are we fully committed, or do we approach God lukewarmly? The saying playing with fire holds true as there are spiritual forces mightier than us. God has provided us an example to follow, don't miss it!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Danger....don't be half hearted!!!

In 2 Chronicles 10-12, we see the torch of leadership pass to Solomon's son Rehoboam. With Solomon's life as an example (Rehoboam was 40 when Solomon died), you would think the next in line would be wise. Not so when pride and arrogance take over. That is a major sin in our culture, pride! It causes us to become cold in our love for God. Or worse, indifferent. Life can move pretty fast and we can easily get caught up in the excitement and activity. Careful with halfhearted lip service in worship though. This is when we use God as a spiritual Santa Claus, crutch, or 2nd string QB. Rehoboam rejected the advice of elder mentors and listen instead to pride filled advisors with a lust for power. Check other's motives, and check your own.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Lord giveth....

2 Chronicles6-9 talks about the splendor and wisdom of Solomon. God definitely blessed him. The Queen of Sheba found this out first hand. With everything going their way, what could possibly happen to Israel? There was peace, prosperity and joy in the land. Did the things become more than things? Doesn't discuss that here, but Israel soon fell. During our times of peace, we need to be sure to remember who provided the peace for us. During those times, it is important not to forget about God! Praise is key, it is really the only thing that we can give God.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ask, seek and knock

We begin 2 Chronicles v 1-5 looking at the beginning of Solomon's reign as king. Solomon was put in charge of building a temple to God by his father, David. Solomon carried through with this charge diligently. Before construction began, God sought out Solomon (ch 1 v 7) and asked him"What do you want"? Let that sink in a moment. How would you answer? How did Solomon answer? He asked for wisdom to lead God's people. What an incredible desire. Of course we'd like to think we'd do likewise, but do we? How often do we request wisdom? Seems like we usually ask for action, healing, help, etc...when we pray. Did not Jesus tell us in Matt 7 v 7-13, ask and it will be given? So what will you ask for? And how will you prepare yourself to receive it? Think about the 2 who prayed for rain...only 1 had an umbrella...

Friday, April 20, 2012

What is a temple!

As we close out 1 Chron ch 28-29, we see the ending of David's reign and the beginning of Solomon's. The torch is passed. See how it is passed, with great honor and celebration. David's lifelong dream to build a great temple to God is undone, work his son must complete. But David has gathered the materials and laid out the plans. Seems like God has possibly done that for us as well, see the Bible. So how does a temple work into God's plan for reconciliation and salvation? Glad you asked. How awesome is it that God desires to dwell among His people. God, though, did not need a building. We'll end today and 1Chron with a question, how is a temple, so elaborately decorated, not a form of idol worship?

Would we listen?

1 Chronicles 17-21 covers David's kingdom, from his desire to build a temple, to his evil (yes, evil) plan to take a census. Some of this we have recently covered in 1 Samuel. However, some is worth repeating. 1 Chron ch 17 v 16 talks about God blessing David and his descendants. "Who am I, O Lord, that you have brought me this far"? We have a God who cares and is involved in our lives. He will not force himself on us.
God demonstrates His righteousness in ch 21, where he punishes Israel for David's census. Even Joab, the king's military commander, warned David not to do it. Who has God put in your life today to warn you of the dangers you will face? How will you know to listen to them? Are you prepared?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Building others...

Me to Aimme and Donn Riggs: Making preparations, getting ready. After all, you plan out things to pack for a trip, why not plan out a significant building project? In 1 Chronicles 22-27, we read about King David's planning out of the temple project, including who will serve, how they will serve, when and for how long they will serve. To a casual reader, these chapters might be easy to gloss over, but God felt it was important enough to include in scripture for over 2,000 years! A key to David's planning was to make not only the project successful, but the one leading it, his son Solomon! Think about how you are making those around you successful. Even John the Baptist realized his role and said that he must diminish and Christ increase. Great lesson of humility and sacrifice (living) to be learned here...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Would we listen?

1 Chronicles 17-21 covers David's kingdom, from his desire to build a temple, to his evil (yes, evil) plan to take a census. Some of this we have recently covered in 1 Samuel. However, some is worth repeating. 1 Chron ch 17 v 16 talks about God blessing David and his descendants. "Who am I, O Lord, that you have brought me this far"? We have a God who cares and is involved in our lives. He will not force himself on us.
God demonstrates His righteousness in ch 21, where he punishes Israel for David's census. Even Joab, the king's military commander, warned David not to do it. Who has God put in your life today to warn you of the dangers you will face? How will you know to listen to them? Are you prepared?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Who to follow?

Today, in 1 Chronicles 10-16 we read again about David. This reading is different from 1 Samuel in that it was written by one of priestly lineage, thus notice the emphasis on priestly duties and even the lengthy lists of those serving in that role.
Again, a main point is made of the difference between Saul and David. David chose to follow and seek the Lord. Saul did not. Saul did not have a successful ending. Even when David erred (see ch 13 v 9-11), he learned from those errors and sought God's direction.
Do we learn from our errors? When we do err, do we seek God to help? Do we treat God as a 2nd string QB to bring in when our first one is not performing? Sounds a little like Saul. He tried to do it his way, and the results...well, not too hot.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Have I got a list for you!

We have begun the book of 1 Chronicles, and true to it's name, it is mostly geneaologies of the tribes of Israel. Amazing to me is how far back they can trace their heirtage. That is how important is was for them. I can go back about 3 generations in my family. In 1 Chron 4:9-10 is the Jabez passage. Bruce Wilkinson wrote his famous Prayer of Jabez book from that passage. It does stick out and is full of richness. Have you asked God for enlargement of territory and protection? Enlarging of territory is to give us more opportunity, not more stuff.
1 Chron ch 1-9 are a history of a special people. Leave your legacy with your kids, you might one day be the noted patriarch that changed the direction of your family!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Do we learn from the past?

Feelin lucky today?
Today, we end 2 Kings (22-25) with the last good king Josiah (a man who followed God) and a series of not so good, ending with the exile to Babylon. The Old Testament has come full circle, from creation to exile in Egypt, from deliverance to exile in Babylon. The plight of the wayward nation. Our objects of idolatry might have changed from Asherah poles, but our disobedience is the same. If the people only knew...
How is it that we see success in obedience (see Josiah) yet turn to do things our way. Pride and arrogance...desire to control and be like God...seems to be a fallen nature theme of man. How to break it? Repent, return to the Lord. John the Baptist might have been on to something....

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Man's true Titantic failure...self priority and glorification

Thursday already, 100 years after Titantic!
In 2 Kings 18-21, we are reading about King Hezekiah. He sought the Lord. Not just to give him things, he seemed truly inspired and in love with God. See 18:6. Confronted with overwhelming odds against Assyria, he stood by the Lord and remained faithful. For Hezekiah, worshipping God was not a light-hearted effort. He did not treat God as a spiritual gift giver. Look at how we have turned God into a spiritual Santa Claus, wishing only for the gifts without concern to obedience. Worshipping God was a priority for Hezekiah, that is a small half hour ordeal for many of us today. Sure we sing songs during the first half hour of church, but not much more. What about you, is the Lord a priority or a 2nd string QB that you will call on when needed.....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What have we become...

In 2 Kings 13-17 we continue the carousel of kings and violence in both Israel and Judah. Many different kings in both, and each with much failure. Ch 17 v 35-41 sums up the situation rather well, esp v 40. People would not listen and continued to follow old ways. They also worshipped idols.
No, I'm not talking about the USA, although it seems to apply. We also have forgotten our founding and principles that were the force of that founding. Like the times of the judges, everyone did what was right in their own eyes. We worship idols too. Where is the urgency for the Lord? Comfort is what we strive for, and security. We have become a caged lion, declawed.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Warts and all...

Today in 2 Kings 9-12, we read about several kings and their gory demise. This reads like a daytime soap opera, with betrayal after betrayal and murders galore. Almost hard to keep track of it all. The main point is that the kings faithful to God were more successful than who were not, mostly. Even with Godly focus, the faithful still came up short serving God, and were ultimately met with untimely death.
So what does any of this have to do with us today? Glad you asked. I see this as Israel being truthful about her past, warts and all. We cannot escape from the truth, esp the truth of events and happenings of our past. We need learn from them so that we do not repeat! Accountability is key to help us avoid same mistakes of our past. Do not be afraid to acknowledge your truth!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Have your jars?

Today in 2 Kings 4-8, we read various accounts of Elisha, the prophet. These passages seem to jump around quite a bit. Ch 4 has a story about a widow and her 2 sons. Seems the widow is destitute, with only a flask of olive oil left. Rather than providing her with the necessary funds, Elisha directs her to go and borrow as many jars as possible. Jars? Yes that's right, jars. Next, she was to shut the door and pour the oil from the flask into the jars....miraculously, the oil flowed until all the jars were full. Did she go to the end of her faith? If she had more jars, she would have more oil. Her blessings flowed as far as she made her faith in God a priority.
How many jars do you have for God today? Life and it's busyness can cause us to collect few jars.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Scannin History...

A Sabbath's rest? The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath!
We have finished 1 Kings. The central figures of David, Solomon, and now Elijah are passing from the scene. Israel has wandered away from God. God will send a series of prophets with messages to turn back to him, or face punishment and judgement. Yet during it all, God has a plan. Skipping ahead, read Isaiah ch 52-53. You might find yourself time travelling forward about 700 years! Happy Easter all...what a wonderous and wonderful plan!

Friday, April 6, 2012

It is Good Friday, the gift is being prepared!

It is Good Friday. Truly a time to take stock in all the Lord has done for us.
In 1 Kings 20-22 we are racing through history. King Ahab was wicked and did not follow the Lord. He was defeated many times in battle and eventually died. The wickedness of his life did not end there, as the legacy he passed down was the way he lived. Such an important aspect we overlook. Obedience brings blessing, whereas disobedience, well we can read about those results.
What do others learn from you? How do we communicate the events of Easter season? Have YOU ever washed feet? As the high priest of your family, how are YOU serving? Keep in mind that the events of Good Friday were necessary to carry out God's plan. It can only be a gift if you accept it, otherwise, it is an unknown box.....

Been there, done that

Today, we read 1 Kings 12-16. It is a period of change for Israel. King Solomon has died and his son Rehoboam is ruling in Judah. Meanwhile civil war has stripped Rehoboam of the 10 northern tribes. A succession of ungodly kings lines both sides. Just try to keep track. Amazingly, lessons are not learned. Over and over again, sons commit the sins of their fathers. Now we can see the importance of a legacy! One verse that is especially troubling to me is ch 12 v 28. Northern King Jeroboam make two golden calves to, let me see, where did hear about that before....oh yes, MOSES on Mt. Siani! Israel has already been through that!!! What we do not learn from history, we are bound to repeat!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Time of the Masters....

Fitting that today starts the Masters golf tournament, for we read in 1 Kings 17-19 about one of the true masters of prophecy in Israel, Elijah. Elijah was a great prophet in Israel. He followed the Lord during a time when most did not. Like you today! God used nature to punish as seen in the severe drought that hit. Elijah took on the prophets of Baal, a false god, in a contest to determine who is the rightful god. Strangely, this goes against Moses' commandment from God (and Jesus' reiteration with Satan) that you should not put the Lord God to a test. One verse, ch 18,v21 really stands out to me and is quite applicable even today "who will you serve, if it is God, follow him. If it is Baal (or some other idol) then follow it.". One cannot serve 2 masters!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Having everything you want....and more

Worshipping the Wildcats...might have led to Solomon's downfall!
In 1 Kings 9-11 we read about Solomon's excesses. The wives, horses, gold, precious metals, etc. The Lord warned Solomon about such activity, yet he continued. Check out Duet 17:14-20 for God's warning towards the kings of Israel. This warning was 1,000 years before Solomon! And what did Jesus say in Matt 6:24 (serving 2 masters).
Thankfully, God has preserved the scriptures through man to provide us a tool, a guide to healthy living. We only need follow it. As is noted in 1 Kings 9:4-5, obedience is key.
So was Solomon a failure?

Where is God?

Today, in 1 Kings ch 5--8, we read about the building of Slomon's temple to the Lord. Solomon's father David had desired to build such a temple, but was forbidden by God due to the many wars and much bloodshed David oversaw.
Solomon was wise to understand that God did not need the temple (ch 8v27). God cannot be contained, he is everywhere (omnipresent). We would be wise to remember that when we try to hide our sins from God. He knows. He also knows our hearts (omniscient). He desires a relationship, that is why He has been involved since time began, that is why He is involved now. Like any relationship, it takes work. And communication. Don't be afraid to pray....God is listening!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Endings and beginnings

Out with the old, in with the new. As March has ended, April now begins. In our readings of 1 Kings 1 through 4, we see the end of David's life and the beginning of Solomon's reign. Once King David died, Solomon quickly settled all affairs of the state and debts owed. Solomon cleaned the slate so to speak. God blessed Solomon. In a dream, he asked Solomon what he would like. In 1 Kings 3:9, Solomon asked for wisdom over wealth and power. God blessed him with the others also. Some of Solomon's wisdom can be seen in C3, v 16-28. This wisdom seems so simple. With everything going for him, Solomon seemed destined for success and greatness. He sought the Lord.....until.....