Monday, July 30, 2012

God's plan revealled!!!

In 700 years...I cannot finish that sentence, for I haven't a clue what the future holds. God knows and reveals it to us. He gave the prophecy to Isaiah 700 years before Jesus' earthly ministry, yet, if you read ch 53, you'd think it was first hand observation at the foot of the cross. I don't know how people misunderstand ch53v8. This is how God reconciled man to Himself! The Jews were given this solution 700 years in advance! We have this solution completed today! How do we use it? How do we rejoice in the victory? Ch55v8-9 sum up our understanding of God. His was are different from ours. We want power, might and decisive victory! That is exactly what Jesus did. But we fail to see it. What power it must have taken to absorb those nail blows and not strike back. More than i have...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

God sees the heart!

Did ya miss me? I've been struggling through Isaiah, today reading ch 49-51. It is amazing to me how Isaiah wrote about things 500 to 600 years before they took place. Of course, his pen was inspired by God who knows the whole story. A common theme throughout this book is one of disobedience. The people of Israel have substituted man-made rules over whole-hearted worship. Eerily, this could apply to us today! God continues to love and offer solutions, the ultimate one in Jesus, which Isaiah prophecizes numerour times. Isaiah is presenting us with a choice...either get with God, or don't. Half-hearted measures are not the way. We cannot give lip service for God knows what is in our hearts! Take Isaiah as a warning, but also as encouragement. God loves us and will provide!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

To whom shall we turn!

As we pick up in Isaiah 40-43, we see the tone of his message change from judgement to payment. The solution is God HIMSELF. He is involved! See ch40v27-30. He has been involved and still is. Note the mocking of idols in ch41v28-29. Yet, even today, we rely or try to find comfort in these idols. Money, possessions, title, etc... We make up for our emptiness and fear with these. Over and over again, God calls us to Him. In the wake of the Colorado shootings, did we turn to God for comfort, or the court system? In our lives closer to home, do we ask God to guide us in leading our families, or does the calendar of activities rule? God is the solution. Isaiah saw it over 2500 years ago. We can read it in His word. If we choose to take the time....

Monday, July 23, 2012

placing our faith

Reading in Isaiah 31-35, we see the prophecy of destruction as well as the promise of Hope in a new King. To those who trust in weapons or numbers of men, Isaiah says the end is near. But hose who trust in God, will have a future. Our things today cannot give back to us any more than the chariots of Egypt. Your money, house, car, etc cannot save. But in ch32, Isaiah notes the coming solution. A righteous king is coming. From our point of history, He is coming back. The work of defeating death and evil is done. Now, it is time to call the faithful and bring peace. Isaiah was given this glimpse over 2500 years ago. We should heed it today!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Will we listen and heed the warning?

In Isaiah 28-30, we learn why Isaiah was not invited to many parties. Seriously though, these chapters give the heart of Isaiah's warning. Self reliance, or even reliance on other's physical strength is no match for the Lord! Several times Isaiah notes that the clay pot is not superior to the potter who makes it! Ch29v13-15 are key to understanding this. Human wisdom is foolish. Hiding our intensions from God is equally foolish. Yet we do it all the time. We become comforted in darkness so we do not have to see truth from the light. Ch30v18 is a real keeper. God loves us and will wait. Amazing! I know what I do and would not wait, yet God does it for me, and everyone else. Too bad the crowds did not heed Isaiah's warnings. Will we today?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

warnings before sin

Warnings before sin...Isaiah 21-23 carry out further warnings against Israel's neighbors, but ch22 includes Jerusalem! It is amazing how we see and cheer on justice for others, but think we are spotless. God is providing warnings to Judah to change. But when you think you are doing right, why change! When you are allowing yourself into temptation, and thus planning to sin, you can justify your actions or allow the passion to help you overlook it. However, the remorse afterwards....if only there was a pre-warning about the remorse you'll feel. There is, God's Word and the Holy Spirit! We need to heed both, or suffer in the consequences of our sin. Isaiah gave this message to Judah and surrounding areas. For that, he was led to years of isolation and being outcast. But he was right!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Who is the mightiest?

Isaiah 17-20 remind us that even the mightiest are no match for God. When we put our hopes in power as defined by man, we fall way short of God. The mighty Egyptians, Assyrians and Ethiopians all were warned of destruction. God warns us too when we do not rely on Him, preferring to try it our way. We scramble over pennies when God has $100 bills for us. Remember, God loves us and wants us to thrive. But we must seek Him. He cannot be the afterthought or the one we go to after we have failed. We cannot live like He does not exist, then try to blame Him when things don't go our way. Seek Him!

Monday, July 16, 2012

He loves us this much

Isaiah 9-12. Even though God must punish the people, he also provides a solution. Isaiah writes about this salvation solution in ch9v6-7. Any questions? Also, ch11v10-11. This was written 700 years before Jesus. This seems like it could fit in the opening chapters of Matthew. An important point to make is that God is sending a solution. Man does not need to go anywhere, do anything or say any chants or songs! Why would God provide the solution, and then bring it to us while we reject Him? Love. He loves us, beyond what we understand love to be. Think on that as you read man's solution in ch9v20. We are so unworthy!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Heeding the warning!

Isaiah 5-8 prophesizes Judah's destruction, and provides for deliverance. Ch5v24-25 show God's anger towards the people. Yet in His grace, he allows Isaiah a glimpse into heaven in ch6. Isaiah is sent forth with his message from God to warn Judah. But they will not listen. Then, in ch7, the ultimate solution is previewed. Ch7v14 talks about the coming of Immanuel, the child of the virgin. Finally, in ch8, Isaiah declares that Judah will be destroyed and that people will burn in anger at God for allowing this calamity. Interesting that we choose to live apart from God's instruction, yet bristle at the effects! We, like the people of Judah, want to do it our way. When the fall comes (and it will), we are shocked that God could allow that to happen. Like John the Baptist, warning to repent, Isaiah is carrying similar warnings. Perhaps there is a warning calling out today!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Events to come...

Happy Friday! We begin the book of Isaiah. This book follows an outline of the whole Bible. There are 66 chapters, of which the first 39 are devoted to Jerusalem's folly, judgement and condemnation. The latter 27 chapters offer hope and reconciliation. There is much foreshadowing and prophecy revealed in Jesus also. Written around 700 BC, Isaiah remarkably hits key events in the future. Actually it is not remarkable, as God is inspiring him in the writing. During the time of the writing, the Assyrians have control and are opressing Judah. Israel (northern kingdom has fallen). The people of Judah have fallen into sinful patterns and basically turned from God. Ch1 v10-17 detail how fed up God is. But ch1v18 gives us hope. Jesus also uses this wording during his earthly ministry. Ch2 offers some interesting prophecy. Jerusalem to become the focal point? Say it isn't so! And finally, ch2 v22, something we should keep in mind. Trust in God, not mere men. Let's get groovin!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Passion is not decriptive enough!

Whew, today is Song of Solomon. Pretty hot stuff. Hard to imagine little old ladies and pompous folks carrying around a Bible with this book in it. This is really something to be read with your wife. In a quiet place where you can be alone. It is not smut or sexually charged. Rather, there is passion, love and forgiveness. Solomon praises his beloved, noting her beauty and value to him. The mighty king is spellbound by her. Perhaps this is God's love for his people and creation. Perhaps this is foreshadowing Christ's love for the church. Don't miss reading the intense desire!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Finishing strong

Ecclesiastes ch 7-12 concludes that not only is there futility in what you do and in what you have, but apart from God there is futility in what you are. Ch7v1, a good reputation is more valuable than the most expensive perfume. And how quickly a reputation can be ruined. Ch7v8, finishing is better than starting. It seems that Solomon is cautioning us not to get lazy or rest on our laurels. We need continued diligence to God. In fact ch 11v9 reports that we must give an accounting to God for everything we do. God knows our thoughts, actions and secrets. Are you free from the shackles of your secrets? If your time ended today, would there be any evidence of you living separately from what friends know? Clean it up now before it is too late. How many reputations are ruined after death, when the truth about someone's life comes out. Ch12v13-14, Fear God!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Everything is meaningless?

Today, we begin Ecclesiastes, written by Solomon. Ch 1-4 begin in somewhat depressing fashion as Solomon points out that there is nothing new under the sun, and that everything under the sun is meaningless. Solomon has lived with all of man's pleasures and experienced more than most and has concluded it to be meaningless apart from God. See ch 2v24. I can relate in Solomon's vanquish in that I am never satisfied for long. I pursue wealth, only wanting more. I pursue pleasure, only wanting more. I pursue security, only wanting more. It is through God that I feel most satisfied. Knowing God will protect and provide gives me more safety and security than anything else. Solomon was right. Without God, everything under the sun IS meaningless!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

End of wisdom, or just the beginning!

we finish Prov. Ch30 by Agur summarizes the themes of wisdom and folly, greed and gluttony, and adultry and hypocrisy. See v 8, "Give me just enough to satisfy my needs", doesn't say desires! Also, check out vv25-28. Think about that before stepping! Prov Ch 31 by King Lemuel discuss a virtuous wife. We kid about this in certain circles but the reality is that it is our job as men and husbands to set our wives up for this success. V28b is key "Her husband praises her". How often do we as husbands do this for our wives? Of all the qualities described, can any be said of us men? Wives generally want a partner, not a boss. Make sure to re-read Proverbs often. There is life giving guidance. It is really the one-fits all tool!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Truly words to live by

: Prov 25-29. Solomon really puts forth timeless truths. He goes along covering several topics and really giving one cause to stop and think. Ch 26v11, learning from past mistakes. Ch27v6, accountability. Ch 28v22, greed. Ch29v23, pride. How many of these apply to us daily? Ch27v23, know your flocks. What is your wife or child's favorite color? What is their favorite meal? What is their love language? These are things a good shepherd knows. We study work, Bible (hopefully), but what about our flocks? If you were to stare into your wife/child's eyes, would a deep conversation start, or would it be weird? If weird, you need to start doing this more often. Solomon's Proverbs are timeless truths to live by. So get going!

Friday, July 6, 2012

What is our hope in?

Proverbs (22-24) are filled with wise sayings regarding character, humility, and personal responsibility. A good reputation is better than riches. Conduct yourself with integrity. That should really be what Christians are about. Too often we glamourize fame and fortune. People become obsessed with celebrity. What determines success? Teaching children is repeated in today's reading, so it must be important. As parents, we have a responsibility to build character in our children. While doing this, we build it in ourselves! Ch 23v17 is a key one to remember. Our future is not dictated by posessions, fame or power. Graves are full of these people! Don't forget where your hope is and live today like you know it is true!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Counting the cost

Today, in Prov ch 18-21, there are many a nugget of wisdom to follow. Overwhelmingly so! Ch 18v11-12 really sum up much of today's section. Our pride can lead to our destruction. Having pride in our kids, work done well, or from helping another is not wrong, as long as we realize that the ability to do these is from God. See ch19v21, another saying of making plans, but the Lord is really in control. Wanna make God laugh, tell him what you will do tomorrow. Ch 20, v14 is a good one for all of us yard sale revellers from yesterday's mile-long sale. Finally, ch20v25 is one to really think on. Jesus even reminded us to count the cost. We need to do this daily, hourly, every second. Check your actions! From my experience, it IS worth it!

Freedom and dependence!

Happy Independence Day! As we celebrate the courage of the nation's founding fathers in declaring themselves free from England, take time to remember why they had that courage. It was their faith in God. We should be independent of man's absolute rule, but dependent on God. In Prov 14-17, we see wisdom in daily conduct. So many words and phrases of wisdom, it can become overwhelming. Ch 16 v3,7&9 are three that really hit home for me. Focus and reliance on God. V9 is crucial, "we can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps". Keep in mind that the best laid plans begin in prayer. So today, celebrate your freedom, read the Declaration of Ind, and thank God for His guidance!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Wisdom vs. Folly

Wow, today's Proverbs (ch 10-13) come at you rapid fire. The overall theme is "when people rebel against God, they end destroying themselves". So true. Some seem to prosper for at least a time. But it doesn't last. Frustration, the constant craving for more, the emptiness. Without God, it is truly meaningless. Ever sense something inside that feels hollow? Perhaps that is where the joy of following God should be. I have sensed that on many an occassion when I began thinking about how successful or righteous I had become. It is hard to convince ourselves when we really know the truth. Trust inGod and He will set you free. Wisdom vs folly. How to get wisdom...pray and follow God's will and word!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Is it truly worth it?

today, we cruise through Prov 5-9. We are gonna fly through these to stay on the Bible 1 year reading plan. I recommend reading through the Prov with a friend, 1 per day. Thought for today's readings..."the invitation you choose to accept will determine whether you find virtue or vice". Ah, the outcome of not listening, see ch 5 v 12-13. We've all been there. And in v 22, evil man is captured by his own sins. Is the web of lies we need tell really worth it? In ch8,v8-9, Solomon declares that the instructions are clear and plain to anyone. Seems so simple. Then why do we veer off course? The icing always looks soooo good. But how much cake will make us happy? After eating, you feel full and probably say "I really didn't need that". Solomon simply puts forth, be disciplined, the outcome is so much better!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

trust in the Lord!

Welcome to July, and the Proverbs! The purpose of Proverbs is spelled out in ch1, to teach wisdom and discipline. These were mostly written by King Solomon, one of the wisest men to ever live. Ch 1-4 really set the tone. Ch1v7 is a key verse to cut and paste somewhere that you might see it daily. Fear there does not mean fright, rather a healthy respect. Ch3v5-6 are another keepsake. We would be wise to follow. Anguish seems to take hold when we try to lead ourselves! Be careful while reading these to not start a mental checklist of all the things you are doing right. I have fallen into that trap. I start thinking more highly of myself than i ought. Ch4v23 is another key verse. Our heart is our passion and drive. It is what truly directs our actions. Be well to guard it!