Monday, April 29, 2013

Focus and denial

We read in John ch 18 of Jesus' arrest and Peter's denial. What prompted Peter to deny? It certainly wasn't being unsure of who Jesus was, or was it? Fear prompted Peter to deny he knew Jesus. He was afraid of being arrested as well. He didn't know Jesus' fate and wanted to save his own neck. But he forgot who Jesus was and is. Jesus is the one with the power and auuthority. Even today, I deny out of fear. I don't share with other who Jesus is and what He has done for me. Others need to hear, so they too can make a decision. Time is running short, we should not delay. Peter focused on temporary situations, forgetting that Jesus is eternal. Let us not fall into that same trap. Jesus has commanded us to love one another and make disciples. Will fear hold us back?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Be not of this world

Do worldly events of late upset you or make you mad? We see and hear of evil happening all around, and think it has won. Take heart, Jesus said this would happen. He also told his followers that they are not part of this world. True we must live here, but our hope is not here. The world hates us because it hates Jesus. There are pockets of believers, but not nearly as outspoken as we should be. In John ch15 v18-27, Jesus talks about the world's hatred of believers. We must be careful not to get too caught up in things that will happen. Of course we can lead and influence our part of the world, but hope in it is lost until Jesus comes again to declare his kingdom. Sounds depressing eh? But wait, the Holy Spirit is with us to guide us and lead us home. Listen for Him!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pruning Time?

Is it time for spring pruning? Does you yard have trees or bushes that have not popped out with fresh leaves? How about your life? Overcommitted? Do we have enough margin in our lives that we don't choke out important moments with God and family? Jesus talks about being the vine in John ch15. Branches that do not produce fruit are cut off. Even the fruit producing branches are prunned back some to produce even more. Prunning is painful at times. We might be letting others down, but we cannot serve with troubled or angry hearts. We all have things we have to do make some things those you want to do as well. Start with God, time with Him should not be the left over fill in time. Make it your priority. Stay close to Jesus, he'll be carrying you through the rough times!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Who is your Audience?

Applause, we all love it. Some of us crave it. We look to others for aapproval, encouragement and praise. And we feel bad when we disappoint. In John ch12v37-50, Jesus discusses unbelief of the people. Several Pharisees believed Jesus, but were afraid of being expelled from the synagoge. Peer pressure you might say. V43 states it plainly, "For they loved human praise more than the praise of God". Human praise might be audible and timely, but which matters? The Holy Spirit living inside us will lift us when we do God's will and convict us when we don't. So who is our audience. Do we pretend there are areas that God doesn't see? Do we act one way around certain people and another with others? We are on stage for others to see. And God Himself is our audience!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Watching Shepherd

The Good Shepherd narrative in John ch10 is rich with details about Jesus. In fact, He clearly states his purpose and foreshadows His death. V10 details His purpose. V18 notes His future death. It amazes me that many don't know who Jesus was, and try to paint him as just a good man and moral teacher. Scripture is clear! Nowadays, shepherding is not part of our culture as it was 2,000 years ago. The ideas are the same, gathering, protecting and caring. Teachers are more like shepherds today, and students are like sheep (Amen?). Even today, Jesus is shepherding us, protecting us. Don't feel it or believe it? How'd you get where you are in life? Many don't make it to this point. Good to have THE shepherd watching out for us!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Facing Truth

Being faced with the truth is not an easy swallow. In John ch9, Jesus heals a man born blind. It is an interesting conversation to read for sure. But notice the man's words in v30-33. He is throwing the truth of God at the most learned men of the time. He is a simple blind beggar. His take on God not listening to sinners, rather only to those who worship Him gives credibility to Jesus. Not that Jesus needs that. Go deeper and notice the Blind see and believe, but the ones not blind reject. Can we see today? God will listen because of our faith in Jesus. But are we asking in worship of God, or worship of self. The blind man didn't ask to see, but God knew what he needed. We should be asking God to help us see too! He has wonderful things in store for those who ask.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Clean Slate

Today is opening day for my kids' baseball league. We start anew. It is very exciting, anticipating the fresh season. Jesus offers us a fresh start as well. In John ch8, a woman is caught in adultry (where is the man, it usually takes 2). The Pharisees are demanding a stoning as punishment and take their weak case to Jesus. He simply write in the dirt, then agrees with the law. He notes for the one without sin to cast the first stone. Could any of us be that one, probably not. They sulk away knowing Jesus is right. Then, Jesus turns to the woman and restores her, by forgiving her. He doesn't judge. He is not surprised or upset at her sin. He does the same for us. A clean slate. We have not invented a new sin that Jesus cannot cover. Use the clean slate wisely.

Friday, April 12, 2013

What say you?

So what say you? John ch7 is thick with discussion of who Jesus is. Is he the Messiah? Many cannot seem to agree that he could be since they think he is from Galilee. Others want to believe, but the Jewish leaders argue it down. This scene might have occurred 2,000 years ago, but the question still lingers today. Who is Jesus to you? If you say Lord, do you actions point that way? If not Lord,, then where lies your hope? What do we look for in our Lord? Someone to take away all fears, troubles, etc? The first century Jews did. But Jesus' message notes much pain and trouble. He even promises hardship. He is preparing us for eternity with God. Even the guards in v46 note "we have never heard anyone speak like this". Perhaps we need listen also.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Belief is commitment

Since it is tax time, it is time to "tax" our brains with some deep theology. In John ch6v22-70, Jesus is teaching on his purpose. He is not the physical messiah king that Israel was expecting. God had deeper, better and longer lasting plans. But we seek temporal things. We want nourishment for today, which we need. But we neglect eternity. Perhaps it is too big to understand. Christianity can be summed up in v29. Jesus tells the crowd is that the only work necessary is to believe in Him. That is where it goes deeper. Belief is not just knowledge. It must control you. Your activities should hinge on this belief. Like a chair, when you believe it will hold your weight, you sit down. You are commited then. That is why us big guys don't like antiques! Be committed!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A lot from a little

In John ch6v15, Jesus takes a small boy's offering of 5 loaves and 2 fish and makes enough to feed over 5,000 people. God can surely take a little and make a lot. We marvel oer this miracle, but doesn't God do similarly in our lives? God will provide our needs. Did Jesus even need the fish and loaves? He did miracles for our sake. What little are we offering to God today? Are we allowing God to use small things in our lives? Or do we have them covered and don't need God's help? Notice in v14-15 that people were looking at the temporary rather than eternal. Does scripture record that as a warning to us as well? What and who do we want to make king? And, can we fit in that seat?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Are others thirsty too?

Good Sunday all! In John, ch4, the story of the Samaritan woman at the well is told. Reading this, I caught how certain people (Samaritans) were not to be even associated with. Why? Between the Jews and Samaritans, there were generations of hostility and mistrust. But do we act this way today? Are the "Samaritans" in our life we avoid? I do struggle to see people as Jesus did, His children. I judge, usually way wrong. I see the cover, not the inside. Jesus sees us differently. The disciples were shocked that Jesus would even talk with this woman. What makes us better? Our car? Our house? Our checkbook? Jesus is offering eternal life to all, not just the "cool kids". Who can we serve today?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

For God So Loved!

In the endzone. Today, we read in John ch3, the story of Nicodemus visiting with Jesus. He is a pharisee, and comes to Jesus under cover of night. Jesus proceeds to teach this knowledged man about God using earthly terms, but Nic doesn't follow. This famous discourse includes the passage of Jn 3:16, which is perhaps the most quoted verse in the Bible. God loves, so He gave. None of our efforts or sacrifice would ever be enough. We can not do it! But God can, and has done it! One sacrifice sufficient. One act of resurrection to defeat death. Judgement covered for those who believe. We see Nic come at night to talk to Jesus, yet, at Jesus' death, Nic asks for the body to bury. He has come out of hiding as well. Not to jdge, but to save. Unfathomable.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Even the wine?

In Jn ch2, Jesus and his disciples and mother are attending a wedding ceremony in Cana. This is a small village in Gallilee, hardly worth mentioning. In fact the miracle John notes here is not healing someone, or rising them from the dead. It is helping with more wine for celebration. With all Jesus was going to do, why note this miracle? Perhaps because God cares even about mundane things. True there is power over nature demonstrated here. Jesus is concerned about our happiness and well being, within the limits of God's law. As we will read, His mission was not to perform miracles, but He gladly did these out of love and compassion. He did not have to, but did!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Welcome Jesus?

Today, we will begin the Book of John. Notice the powerful intro, John gets straight to the point. Jesus is not just a good man, or teacher, He is the living Word of God. It was through Him all things came into being. Yet some pass him off as just a good man. John introduces us to John the Baptist. A voice shouting in the wilderness, clearing the way for the Lord! What voice drew you to seek Jesus? Surely you did not just sit down and read the Bible. God has messengers. Jesus has called us to be messengers. How is your delivery? Jesus calls His first disciples in ch1. Do they follow out of curiosity? Do we? Others have pointed out that Jesus is special. Do we loe Him ourselves and is our relationship between us and Him? Or is it one handed down from another. Let John intoduce us to the king!