Friday, August 31, 2012

What does it mean? only time will tell

As we end August, we come to the end of Daniel (ch10-12). There is almost too much to understand in this prophetic vision. Kingdoms, wars and power are won and lost. It appears to be a horrific future. And it was. We can look back in history to see the prophecies unfolding in the likes of Alex. The Great of Greece. While certainly interesting, it is not the point of the writing. The point is that God is in control and has a plan. We will not know this plan for certain until it occurs. But,, rest assured,, the righteous will be purified and the wicked punished. We don't know the day,, time or even year this will happen. Many have tried to calculate using Biblical clues, but failed. Jesus even said "like a thief in the night". Are you prepared? Get right now, before you cant!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

What do you see?

Today we enter into the confusing part of Daniel's prophecy, Dan ch 7--9. There are strange beasts and heavenly visions. There is the angel Gabriel helping Daniel understand. Finally there is hope restored. Hindsight is perfect, but what about looking ahead. We can read and study Daniel (as many have) and interpret its meaning and what kingdoms are represented. We can see how Daniel predicted history to un fold. However, it would appear that history is not done yet. What still lies ahead for us? Christ's second coming for one. Are we ready? Are we at peace with those around us? Have we decided to truly trust God? Let your actions outspeak your words. And may you be the vessel God uses for His purpose today!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

God is in control

Daniel ch4-6. What made Daniel great? After all, he was able to interpret dreams, explain visions and overcome hungry lions. God enabled him not to build up Daniel rather to show the power of God! Daniel was faithful, and for that we read of his example today. God doesn't change and is still all powerful. Our response is to trust in Him. Time after time, earthly kings see the divine power, yet they do not change. They might respect that power, but they do not change. Do we change? Intellectual knowledge and understanding is one thing. But it needs to be in your heart and actions! Daniel was obedient. He did not strive for personal glory as seen in ch5v17. Do we put credit where credit is due, or do we bask in the glory? God is all powerful and He is in control!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Daniel, an example of faithfulness.

Beginnings anew! School starts today the kids are excited. We begin a new book as well, Daniel! Ch1-3 tell about how Daniel and his friends came to be in Babylon captivity. He writes how God has blessed them and provided for them. Daniel's interpretation of Neb's dream in ch2 is quite the forshadowing of events to come. Ch3 though has something important. Daniel's 3 friends are condemned to die in a firey furnace for not worshipping the king. V16-18 show their faithfulness in God. Oh that we would all show this kind of faith. Note the king's response to their success in v28. Are we willing to die, or be "inconvenienced" for God? Will we stand up for our beliefs, or give in to pressure? The world will persecute us, but God will prevail! He gives us the example of Daniel.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hope beyond our ability

Ezekiel 37-39, there is hope. Ch37 has the story of Ezekiel's vision of the valley of the dry bones. These bones come together and form humans again, a clear message of the restoration of God's people. Interesting that in Jesus, not a bone was broken! What is our hope in today? Our paycheck, our car, our own ability? God has bigger and better plans! Why limit yourself. If God can defeat whole armies (ch38,39), can't he see you through one day? Parts of the Old Testament might seem unrelated to us, but they matter, and they point to the solution of reconciliation that God provided through Jesus. Do we thank Him enough for this? Let me encourage you to marvel at His creation and thank Him for the work done that we could never do!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Be a willing vessel

I have continued my reading through Ezekiel, hope you have kept up. The message became very redundant, so I didn't write. But ch33 is pretty noteworthy. We have an obligation, a duty to spread the gospel to others. We will be held responsible! We are not responsible for others' salvation or acceptance. Time is drawing near, so do not delay in the relationships you have! Ezekiel's message is repentance, turn turn from wickedness! How many of us live each day thinking there will be a tomorrow? We procrastinate, we wait. We might not feel up to the task. Remember, it is not your words or efforts, it is the Holy Spirit working within you. You merely need to be the vessel. Regret is an awful feeling!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

It is our responsibility!

Fickelness? That doesn't even begin to describe Ezekiel's message. He likens the people to prostitutes who pay people for their services! Reading in ch16-19, try to replace America of today for Israel of yesterday. It is not too hard or too much of a stretch! God blessed us with freedom, and we have taken His work for granted. How many of us even know Him? How many have read his word? At least we know the latest DWTS gossip. Ezekiel writes on the subject of personal accountability. We cannot blame on others, our parents, or our environs! Ch18v19 declares this to be so. Also, ch18v30 will hold us each personally accountable! Turn from your sins! It is a warning, it is not too late! Let us not abuse or misuse what God has blessed us with!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Where were you when the world stopped turning

What would we do if Wash DC was invaded and destroyed? How did we feel as the WTC towers fell? Violated, hurt, mad, and scared? Jeremiah writes his Lamentations on the fall and destruction of Jerusalem. It is his funeral dirge for the city. Ch1v20 pronounces this loudly, as does ch2v11. However, the message changes in ch3. Starting in v21, Jeremiah lays out his hope in God. The unfailing love of God never ends! Great is His faithfulness! He has hope in the Lord! Jeremiah goes on to accept the scouraging from Judah's enemies as if it were from God....and it was! V40, he impores those to examine their ways and turn to God in repentance. We experienced a little of that after 9-11, but that has faded. Only some of us still cling to the hope God has provided!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bad Immunity

Wrapping up Jeremiah today ch 46-52. Jeremiah relates the prophecy of God's discipline on surrounding nations. Those who worship other gods and ignore the one true God will receive their fate. The prophecy is a warning. How often do we heed the warnings today? Do we turn from our convictions of ways we know to be wrong, or do we ignore God's warnings to us to the point they become mere background noise. Change is needed. God desires us to repent and turn from evil ways, not gloss them over as "not really that bad". Of all the nations with mighty armies mentioned by Jeremiah, only Egypt remains, and that could be changing! God's prophecies come true, we ought not test them!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Patience required!

Selective following is a way to describe the people's response to God's message through Jeremiah in ch40-45. Jeremiah prayed to God on the people's behalf, only to have the people reject the response. Don't laugh or judge, we do the same! We choose certain parts of God's law to follow, then brush off the others that are too hard. We ask God for direction, then feel we need to help Him. We desire a shiny new penny we see, rather than waiting for God to give us the treasure chest of gold He has for us. Like a stubborn child, we act like we can do it ourselves. Jeremiah's words should be a warning to us even today. We ask God for help or guidance, we need to wait until He provides it!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Popluarity is not as important as being right!

Being the bearer of bad news is not easy. Jeremiah faced this in ch 37-39. It was his duty from God to tell the king of Judah that unless he surrendered the Babylonians were going to burn the city of Jerusalem. However, to tell the king this could mean his life as a traitor or non faithful Judean! Jeremiah was faithful to God and delivered an unpopular message to the king. He suffered physically as the result, but lived. In the midst of trials and discouragements, it's more important than ever to check your focus. Are you looking at your problem or your Problem Solver? Stay true to God, even when it doesn't seem to make logical sense!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cannot pick and choose

Pick and choose, is that how we are to read God's Word? In Jer ch 34-36 ,we read of King Jehoiakim having Jeremiah's prophecy from God read and then cutting it up and throwing it into a fire! What blasphemy we say! Yet don't we do similar when we pick and choose which of God's commands we follow? Is it better to not know, or to know and choose to not follow? Certainly doom happened to the king, what waits for us? If I'd only..... Don't let that sentence be on your lips. God has given us another day to make things right. Repentance is more than just being sorry or ashamed. It is absolutely turning from wickedness. Make a decision to read the Word with a responsive heart! Make the decision to accept and follow. And not just the parts you like!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Count on it!

Count on it! That is Jeremiah's message in ch 30-33. He is prophecying things to come, promises that God has made. At the current time of his writing, the Babylonians are about to take over in brutal fashion. Things look bleak. But remember, God's ways and timing are not ours! Our faith is often weak or anxious. We need concrete results! We often fail to see and understand the work God is doing in us. We might see it after a time, if we look. God reveals himself and His plan to us, if we know how to look. Jer ch33:3 God says Ask me and I will tell you some remarkable secrets about what is going to happen! Don't stop listening before you hear!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Understand before you speak

How do we heed warnings? Do we analyze the message, or the messenger? Do we pick and choose which message we "like" best and follow it? These are tough questions to honestly answer today, just as they were in Jeremiah's time. He would bring forth a message of repentance from the Lord, only to be contested by another self-appointed "prophet" with a nicer message. Jer ch26-29 show this with Hananiah. Ch28v17 tell how that ends. When we talk for the Lord, we need to be prepared for the results. God wants us to tell others about Him, but not to put words into His mouth. God knows what His plans are for us. Check out ch29v11-13. So how can we tell true warnings? They should be consistent with scripture and led by God, not just a fleeting impulse you might have. Trust and verify!

Friday, August 3, 2012

WORSHIP....more than a list

In Jeremiah 7-10, the point is reiterated that thinking that their priviledged position as God's chosen people will ensure their immunity from God's wrath, the people continue in a pattern of worthless worship. Perhaps Jeremiah is talking about the future, perhaps it is us. Do we live for God, or is He merely someone we go to with needs. Do we worship, or only request. I cannot look at nature without a wonder about God. His creation is amazing. It is amazing how God holds the whole together. So in our worship, do we acknowledge God's greatness, or just give Him our daily list....

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our response matters...

How do we heed warnings? Do we really listen and believe, or do we say that it won't be so bad? I know I shrug off the warnings thinking I can get through by my own strength, knowledge, or ability. Perhaps this is how the people of Judah felt when Jeremiah came with his warnings from God. Jeremiah 1-6 talk about the impending wrath to be poured out. He discussed the problem of reliance on idols and false gods. Even today we place our faith and security in false gods! See ch2v28-29. How often do we hear that today? People live like there is no God and thus no consequences, yet when something happens, we look to God and say "how could you let this happen". This was occuring in Jeremiah's day as well. Nothing new under the sun...except how we respond to wanrings perhaps!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Not to be taken lightly

Greetings fellow students of theology! Today, we finish Isaiah. Ch 58-66. A lot of reading, but a common theme....God exhaults the humble, the Messiah is coming, and one day, all will worship God! Some warnings though, don't take God lightly, don't ignore His warnings, and don't ignore His invitations. Ch58v4 reminds us about being luke-warm. Ch59v1 reminds us God is with us. Ch 64v5-8 reminds us how and who we are, mere clay! Ch65v20-25 comforts us with a renewed life, heavens and earth. And ch66,v2-3 remind us not to take this lightly! In all, Isaiah was a long book, filled with prophecy and warnings. Ch53 really stuck out to me as one to re-read. How similar is Jerusalem of Isaiah's time with America today? God has warned us, pay heed! Now, get ready to weep with Jeremiah!