Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Road Ahead

In Acts ch20 we see the importance of evangelism in Paul's life. V24, Paul is determined to finish the work that the Lord has put before him. Paul had done much already and had endured many hardships, pain and suffering. But he realized that he was not done. When are we finished? Like Paul, never. Don't get discouraged by this. There will be ebbs and flows of your ministry. Each of us has a ministry! Like one in recovery, we need to take one day, one moment at a time, not focusing on the tremendous and long task ahead. Paul was not alone in his work. Throughout Acts, he is accompanied by other believers who help him, hold him accountable and press forward with him. We need do likewise. We might not be Pauls, but we can be the support team. Now, onto the next task!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pray and wait

In Acts ch12, Peter is arrested. The believers meet together and pray for his release. Angels came and did just that. Peter flees back to where the believers are. He knoccks at the door, and a young servant girl comes to answer. In her excitement to tell the others, she does not open the door. The others do not believe her story that Peter is knocking at the door, EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE PRAYING TO GOD FOR THIS VERY THING!!! How often do we pray to God, then either not believe that He can do it, or we decide He needs our help. We rush in to assist, and miss God's timing and purpose. Why do we pray? At times it seems more like asking permission rather than truly turning it over to God. We are in such a hurry. Why? Ours is truly the half hour sitcom life. Pray and wait!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Introducing God's Servant

Who can God use for His purpose? Anyone. In Acts ch 9, we see God using Saul, a noted terrorizor of Christians. God supernaturally called Saul. That might not happen everyday. God's ways are not our ways. Yet we can come to understand what God has revealed to us in His Word and by the Holy aSpirit. In Saul's case, God used an ordinary man and believer named Ananias. Are we willing to let God use us? Ananias feared for his life when called to approach Saul. Notice that God did not punish him for his hesitation, rather He encouraged Ananias. God encourages us as well. Are you being led? Are you listening for God? How can we if our lives are so jammed packed and busy. Margin in life is important not only for sanity and good health, it is important to hear God's leading.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How much you ask?

You can't buy the Holy Spirit. In Acts ch8v18-20, Simon attempts to offer money to Peter so that he could bless people with the HS. Peter rebukes him noting that serving God is not what we "get" out of it, but how we glorify Him. That is easier to forget than you think. We can be jealous of others who seem to "get it" while we struggle. We might even see others getting away with activities that are not good. Not to worry, God sees all. He knows our hearts and our motives. Simon was not asking to help further the kingdom, he was seeking fame and possibly another revenue stream. How do we use the gifts God has given us? For what we get out of them, or how we can glorify Him?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Introducing Paul!

Introducing, Paul. In Acts ch 7 at the end, we see the religious leaders stoning Stephen, an elder in the early church. Saul's intro to us is so hauntingly evil, it causes one to step back. The Jews are stoning Stephen and suddenly there is Saul, at who's feet the Jews put their coats. Normal practice in a good stoning is to remove one's coat! It is like something out of a movie. I can see the camera pulling back from the scene and there he is, evilly watching over the entire event, saying nothing but giving approval. Pride, arrogance, and egotism on full display. This is Saul! Wait, this is the same guys who will win hearts over to Christ? Talk about a change. See, our obstacles to growth in Christ are not new. As we read on, we'll see our story of change in SAUL - PAUL.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Being Bold

Howdy! In Acts Ch5, we read about Peter's bold stand against the Pharisee council. See in v28-30. The Pharisees threaten with death, but Peter stands determined. What would cause a person such change? Remember Peter once denied even knowing Jesus 3 times at Jesus' arrest. The Holy Spirit gave Peter confidence of the truth. Such confidence that he could not help but tell others. To see if Peter's truth was on target, read a little ahead in v38. A Pharisee named Gamliel tells them that if Peter's influence is from man it will soon die off. But if from God, you cannot stop it. 2,000 years later,, can we answer that? We might nto shout from rooftops about Jesus, but we should not keep Jesus only to bold!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Enemy Territory

In Acts ch 3, Peter and John heal a lame man. Inside the temple they go, where Peter seizes upon the oppotunity to evangelize in the name of Jesus. What is our opportunity, and do we take it? Or do we thing we won't know the right words. The Holy Spirit will lead us. Peter and John were entering enemy territory, yet they could not help but talk out. We all have enemy terr, it is in how we handle it as to how hostile it becomes. Be bold entering your enemy territory, you are not alone!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Come Holy Spirit

May the fourth be with you! Luke starts the book of Acts with the promise from Jesus of the Holy Spirit. He tells the disciples that this helper will guide and lead them, and help them remember all of Jesus' words and deeds. In ch2, the HS comes upon the believers in mighty fashion. If you haven't had the same experience, fear not. God uses events and people differently. He parted the Red Sea in Exodus, but stopped the Jordan River from flowing in Joshua. Similar result, different approach. It is the same with the HS working in your life. As we seek God and His will, the HS become more active in us and helps us. Events in the Bible are written as testimony and examples that we might believe. Scripture may be complete, but God's work in men is not.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Daily work

Epilogue, skipping ahead to John ch21, we see the disciples getting with life after Jesus' death and ressurection. Peter decides to go fishing, and other follow. But life is not the same. Once you have encountered Jesus and the HS, nothing is the same. Your life has different purpose. You go from living for yourself to living for God. Ch 21 shows Jesus restoring Peter. He restores us each day as we seek Him. Jesus instructs Peter to take care of His sheep. Baa. Who are our sheep today? Are we leading them? Following Jesus is not a one time prayer and then boom, everything is cheery. It is a life long pursuit of God. Seeking Him constantly, serving Him faithfully and sharing Him boldly. We have work to do. On to Acts!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What is Truth

What is truth? Pilate asked this question of Jesus in John ch18. Is truth relative? The modern world will say it is. Truth, they say, depends on how you view it and from where you stand. Jesus declared to Pilate that He came into the world to testify to the truth. Our faith is based on this. One true God. Jesus, true son of God. Bible, true word of God. Nice to know, but what does it matter since very few are listening. Talk to someone today about Jesus and you might get the "that is nice for you" response. There was true fear about Jesus by the Pharisees. Surely, over history there has been leaders of movements that threaten the establishment. Was this different? Yes, it spoke to the truth, and not just a relative one. Speak it with confidence today!