Friday, January 13, 2012

Feeling Unlucky??

Well, it is Fri the you feel unlucky?

In Gen 37-40 we read some of Joseph's story. Talk about unlucky. Joseph's own brothers plotted to kill him, then traded him for 20 pieces of silver. What is it about man's greed and obsession with pieces of silver....

Joseph later was imprisoned for violating his master's wife...which he did not do. He languished in prison, encouraging others and becoming a trusted leader.

So, was Joseph unlucky, or was he being prepared for future events. How can we come to handle crises if we have never been through them? How can we understand or see God's hand in our lives if we are so full of our own pride and ability.

Unlucky, i don't think so. It is all part of God's plan to prepare us for future attention, you will be part of that plan if you believe.....

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