Monday, September 19, 2011

But I'm not a pastor.....

Ok, how many of us are apprehensive at getting involved in a church group because "we are not pastors".....

I know it kept me back for quite some time.  After all, what could I possibly offer?  What if someone were to ask me a Biblical question that I could not answer.....what if what if what if.

I do know how to play with kids (I'm still one).....and I do know how to talk to others about sports, food and the weather.  I can ask someone where they are from or what kinds of hobbies or interests they enjoy.  Starting simple, meet them where they are at.  We all have some experience in something.  We CAN relate to others!

Jesus met a Samaritan woman at a well.  He did not preach a sermon to her or give her deep theological points to ponder.....or did he? He asked her simple questions....sort of meeting her where she was.  He was able to tell her something about herself, not because he was omnicient, rather he could see into people by their actions, behaviors and talk.  Why would a woman come to the well during mid-day.  Because other women from the town would not be there then.  Jesus knew her pain as an outcast....his own family thought he needed to be brought home at one point.  Jesus had experience with people such as her. 

We sometimes fail to understand just how much we have to offer.  If we were ever kids (most of you were/are), we might be able to conjure up a memory or two of how we used to play, then use that as a basis for talking to a child today.  Don't preach to them, play with them.  Make believe.

People don't care about how much you know, until they know about how much you care. 

No one wants someone preaching to them (even in blog form), unless they have signed up for a people really pay attention in church?  So, don't instead.

We all have a gift of something to share.  Our experience can be mightier than any sermon.  An example of this would be a man who had never rode a bike, but read lots of materials and information on bike riding.  A 10 year old had ridden several bikes and knew the thrill of the wind rushing through their hair and the pain of a crash and skinned knee.  Which one could better explain how to ride a bike.

Don't be afraid...take a chance.  Often your audience will be in need of what you have to say, or they might ignore you.

Go ahead.

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