Friday, September 9, 2011

What is Fellowship?

Greetings once again....What is fellowship you ask? 

As one of the fingers/pillars of this model, fellowship is an important part of how the Christian life works.

Fellowship could be as simple as becoming involved in your weekly church service.  There will always be a need for ushers, greeters, teachers, nursery workers, etc... Once you are involved, you will be amazed at how engaged you become.

A key point about fellowship is that no one of us (even current company included) know all the answers.  We need people in our lives that have the experience and knowledge that we lack to help us in making good decisions, as well as to help us understand difficult Bible passages and teachings.  It has been said that a person could read a book about riding a bike, but until the wind whips through the old helmet (safety first) and the thrill of balancing on thin wheels hits, you really don't know how to ride a bike.

In Acts 8:28, Phillip meets up with an Ethiopian traveler who is on his way back to Ethiopia from a spiritual pilgrimmage.  The Ethiopian is reading scripture aloud, when Phillip inquired if he knew what he was reading.  The Ethiopian replied, "How can I unless someone explains it to me". 

I suggest that we are in the same boat/carriage as the Ethiopian.  That is why we need fellowship.  We need people we can trust and confide in.  Accountability if you prefer. 

This does not come easy or quickly.  Relationships must be built over time.  In order to trust others, we must allow others to trust us. 

How can I make this happen you ask?  How do any of your relationships work?  Spending time together, common interests, etc.  Being purposeful.......

I challenge you to be purposeful in fellowship this very week.  Approach your pastor and introduce yourself.  Say hello to someone you migh have seen at work, in church, or some other organization that you have notice before and would like to know better.  Perhaps someone with more life experiences than you (I did not say older). 

Don't expect deep rooted relationships to develop overnight.  But do not run from your part or responsibility in them when they do.  To get a friend, you first have to be a friend.

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