Friday, January 4, 2013

Follow Me

In Matthew Ch4, v18-22, Jesus calls his first disciples. Scripture notes that Jesus is walking along the shore and comes upon Peter and Andrew first. He simply called saying "follow me and I will show you how to be fishers of men". Later, he comes across John and James and simply says "follow me". And they did. Amazingly today it seems that we have to "sell" Jesus to others. We emphasize what the receiver will "get" by following. We talk about eternal life as a reward. Surely, the first disciples must have heard something about Jesus, perhaps knew he was a man of God? Maybe even a prophet? The excitement of following someone who spoke with the authority of God....but wait, in Matthew we have little record of Jesus' public ministry. In Ch4v17, it talks of Jesus beginning to preach. We don't know if Peter, Andrew, James or John even were present at these preachings. It almost appears as if they blindly follow Jesus. What would drive you to follow someone? Usually, for me, it is someone who demonstrates leadership, authority, and service towards others, as well as someone who we share a common interest. I am turned off by someone who is self-centered and out for their own glory. Also, we would need to see an itinerary and schedule. Where would we go, how would we support ourselves? What would our goals be and how would we measure? Many today would not blindly follow anything. At the first moment of discouragement, we'd bail. Not only did the disciples have discouragement (they were persecuted and jailed), but their leader was killed violently and they had to hide for a time. Yet, within a short period, they were back preaching and teaching openly about Jesus and what they had seen. Truly amazing. And what of poor Zebedee (James & John's father). They left him behind. Was he mad? Disappointed? Fishing was a tough business and the more hands the better. John was probably younger since he lived to at least 95AD, so having a young son abandon him and go join the circus must have been disheartening. Later in scripture we read of John and James' mother pleading with Jesus for her sons to sit in positions of authority, so we can assume their parents eventually got on board with the Jesus following, can't we? In conclusion, I find it amazingly simple that Jesus said follow me and they did. I am definitely curious to know more. Did these disciples see Him preach previously? How steeped in Jewish law and scripture were they to understand who the Messiah might be? Did they envision authority and riches from their decision to follow Jesus? Did they long to say goodbye to anyone and tie up loose ends? After all, scripture talks about others whom Jesus called to follow him, but indicated their desire to tie up loose ends first. I wonder at times my commitment. Am I following Him? Is it out of love for Him, or because I will "get" a reward in return? Simple words, follow me. Very deep meaning though. We cannot casually follow someone. Either we follow, or we don't. Following also assumes submission to one in authority over us. How often do we enjoy being led? Continue to "follow me" as we unlock and explore more of God's Word in the New Testament in 2013.

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